Master Core & Advanced JavaScript in Jaipur, Rajasthan at Groot Academy

Welcome to Groot Academy, the premier institute for IT and software training in Jaipur. Our comprehensive Core & Advanced JavaScript course is meticulously designed to provide you with the essential skills needed to excel in web development and software engineering.

Course Overview:

Are you ready to become proficient in Core & Advanced JavaScript, a fundamental language for web development? Join Groot Academy's best JavaScript course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and elevate your programming skills to new heights.

  • 2221 Total Students
  • 4.5 (1254 Rating)
  • 1256 Reviews 5*

Why Choose Our Core & Advanced JavaScript Course?

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Dive deep into the core concepts of JavaScript, including ES6+, asynchronous programming, and advanced topics such as closures, prototypes, and event-driven architecture.
  • Expert Instructors: Learn from industry professionals with extensive experience in web development and JavaScript frameworks.
  • Hands-On Projects: Apply your knowledge to real-world projects and assignments, gaining practical experience that enhances your coding proficiency.
  • Career Support: Access our network of hiring partners and receive guidance to advance your career in web development.

Course Highlights:

  • Introduction to JavaScript: Understand the basics of JavaScript, its syntax, and its role in web development.
  • Advanced JavaScript Concepts: Master advanced topics such as closures, prototypes, inheritance, and event handling.
  • Asynchronous Programming: Learn about promises, async/await, and handling asynchronous operations effectively.
  • JavaScript Frameworks: Get introduced to popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, and Vue.js.
  • Practical Implementation: Implement JavaScript in various real-world scenarios, enhancing your problem-solving skills.
  • Real-World Applications: Explore how JavaScript is used in web development, server-side programming, and more.

Why Groot Academy?

  • Modern Learning Environment: State-of-the-art facilities and resources dedicated to your learning experience.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Choose from weekday and weekend batches to fit your schedule.
  • Student-Centric Approach: Small batch sizes ensure personalized attention and effective learning.
  • Affordable Fees: Competitive pricing with installment options available.

Course Duration and Fees:

  • Duration: 6 months (Part-Time)
  • Fees: ₹60,000 (Installment options available)

Enroll Now

Kickstart your journey to mastering Core & Advanced JavaScript with Groot Academy. Enroll in the best JavaScript course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and propel your career in web development.

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Overview of JavaScript
30 Minutes
History and Evolution
45 Minutes
JavaScript in Modern Web Development
60 Minutes
Setting Up the Development Environment
45 Minutes
Variables and Data Types
30 Minutes
Operators and Expressions
45 Minutes
Control Structures: Conditionals and Loops
60 Minutes
Functions and Scope
45 Minutes
Array Methods and Manipulations
30 Minutes
Understanding Objects and Properties
45 Minutes
Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
60 Minutes
JSON Handling
45 Minutes
Higher-Order Functions
30 Minutes
Closures and Lexical Scoping
45 Minutes
Asynchronous JavaScript: Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await
60 Minutes
Function Constructors and Prototypes
45 Minutes
Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
30 Minutes
Selecting and Manipulating DOM Elements
45 Minutes
Event Handling and Event Listeners
60 Minutes
Event Delegation
45 Minutes
Types of Errors in JavaScript
30 Minutes
Exception Handling with Try/Catch
45 Minutes
Debugging Techniques and Tools
60 Minutes
Writing Maintainable and Error-Free Code
45 Minutes
Browser Object Model (BOM)
30 Minutes
Working with the Window Object
45 Minutes
Handling Browser Events
60 Minutes
Storage Options: Cookies, Local Storage, and Session Storage
45 Minutes
JavaScript Design Patterns
30 Minutes
Module Systems: CommonJS and ES6 Modules
45 Minutes
Understanding and Using Web APIs
60 Minutes
Introduction to TypeScript
45 Minutes
Introduction to Popular Libraries: jQuery, Lodash
30 Minutes
Introduction to Popular Frameworks: React, Angular, Vue.js
45 Minutes
Integrating JavaScript with HTML and CSS
60 Minutes
Building Single Page Applications (SPAs)
45 Minutes
Project Planning and Setup
30 Minutes
Version Control with Git
45 Minutes
Implementing Best Practices and Coding Standards
60 Minutes
Deploying JavaScript Applications
45 Minutes



Shivanshi Paliwal

C, C++, DSA, J2SE, J2EE, Spring & Hibernate

Satnam Singh

Software Architect
Q1: What will I learn in Module 1 of this course?

A1: In Module 1, you will learn the basics of web development, including an introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, you will be introduced to Node.js, understanding its role and importance in server-side development.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 1?

A2: No prior experience is required. This module is designed for beginners and will cover foundational concepts in web development and Node.js.

Q3: How long will it take to complete Module 1?

A3: The duration of Module 1 depends on your learning pace, but it is designed to be completed in approximately one week.

Q4: What are the key topics covered in Module 1?

A4: Key topics include an introduction to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Node.js, as well as basic web development concepts and tools.

Q5: Will I learn how to set up my development environment?

A5: Yes, you will learn how to set up your development environment, including installing necessary software and tools.

Q6: Are there any hands-on projects in Module 1?

A6: Yes, Module 1 includes hands-on projects to help you apply the concepts you learn and gain practical experience.

Q7: What resources are available for further learning in Module 1?

A7: Module 1 provides links to additional resources, such as tutorials, documentation, and online communities, to help you deepen your understanding.

Q8: Can I ask questions and get help during Module 1?

A8: Yes, you can ask questions and seek help from instructors and peers through discussion forums, Q&A sessions, and online support.

Q9: Will I receive a certificate after completing Module 1?

A9: Completion certificates may be available as part of the course program, depending on the specific course provider.

Q10: How will Module 1 help me in my web development journey?

A10: Module 1 will provide you with a strong foundation in web development, equipping you with the essential skills and knowledge to build and maintain websites and web applications.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 2?

A1: In Module 2, you will learn the fundamental concepts of JavaScript, including variables, data types, operators, control structures, and functions.

Q2: Why are JavaScript basics important?

A2: Understanding JavaScript basics is crucial for building dynamic and interactive web applications, as JavaScript is a core technology in web development.

Q3: Will I learn about different data types in JavaScript?

A3: Yes, you will learn about various data types in JavaScript, including strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, and objects.

Q4: What are control structures in JavaScript?

A4: Control structures are constructs that allow you to control the flow of execution in your code, such as if-else statements, loops, and switch statements.

Q5: Are there practical exercises in Module 2?

A5: Yes, Module 2 includes practical exercises and coding challenges to help you apply the concepts you learn and gain hands-on experience.

Q6: How will learning JavaScript basics benefit my coding skills?

A6: Mastering JavaScript basics will provide you with a strong foundation for building more complex web applications and enhance your overall coding skills.

Q7: Will I learn about JavaScript functions in this module?

A7: Yes, functions are a key topic in Module 2, including how to define and use them effectively in your code.

Q8: Can I learn about JavaScript syntax and conventions in this module?

A8: Yes, you will explore JavaScript syntax and conventions, helping you write clean and readable code.

Q9: How long will it take to complete Module 2?

A9: The duration of Module 2 depends on your learning pace, but it is designed to be completed in approximately one week.

Q10: Will I learn about best practices for writing JavaScript code?

A10: Yes, Module 2 includes best practices for writing efficient and maintainable JavaScript code.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 3?

A1: In Module 3, you will learn how to work with arrays and objects in JavaScript, including their properties, methods, and common use cases.

Q2: Why are arrays and objects important in JavaScript?

A2: Arrays and objects are fundamental data structures in JavaScript, used to store and manipulate collections of data.

Q3: Will I learn about array methods in this module?

A3: Yes, you will explore various array methods, such as push, pop, shift, unshift, map, filter, and reduce.

Q4: What are objects in JavaScript?

A4: Objects are complex data structures that can store multiple values as properties, allowing you to model real-world entities.

Q5: Are there practical exercises in Module 3?

A5: Yes, Module 3 includes practical exercises and coding challenges to help you apply the concepts you learn and gain hands-on experience.

Q6: How will learning about arrays and objects benefit my coding skills?

A6: Mastering arrays and objects will enable you to handle complex data structures and improve your ability to build dynamic and interactive web applications.

Q7: Will I learn about nested arrays and objects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will learn how to work with nested arrays and objects, which are useful for representing hierarchical data.

Q8: Can I learn about destructuring arrays and objects in this module?

A8: Yes, you will explore destructuring, a syntax for extracting values from arrays and objects into distinct variables.

Q9: How long will it take to complete Module 3?

A9: The duration of Module 3 depends on your learning pace, but it is designed to be completed in approximately one week.

Q10: Will I learn about best practices for working with arrays and objects?

A10: Yes, Module 3 includes best practices for effectively working with arrays and objects in JavaScript.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 4?

A1: In Module 4, you will learn about advanced JavaScript functions, including higher-order functions, closures, callbacks, and arrow functions.

Q2: Why are advanced JavaScript functions important?

A2: Advanced functions are crucial for writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code, and for handling complex programming tasks.

Q3: What are higher-order functions in JavaScript?

A3: Higher-order functions are functions that can take other functions as arguments or return them as results, enabling powerful programming patterns.

Q4: Will I learn about closures in this module?

A4: Yes, closures are a key topic in Module 4, including how they work and how to use them effectively in your code.

Q5: Are there practical exercises in Module 4?

A5: Yes, Module 4 includes practical exercises and coding challenges to help you apply the concepts you learn and gain hands-on experience.

Q6: How will learning advanced functions benefit my coding skills?

A6: Mastering advanced functions will enhance your ability to write sophisticated and efficient JavaScript code, improving your overall programming skills.

Q7: Will I learn about callbacks and promises in this module?

A7: Yes, you will explore callbacks and promises, which are essential for handling asynchronous operations in JavaScript.

Q8: Can I learn about arrow functions in this module?

A8: Yes, arrow functions are covered, including their syntax, use cases, and benefits over traditional function expressions.

Q9: How long will it take to complete Module 4?

A9: The duration of Module 4 depends on your learning pace, but it is designed to be completed in approximately one week.

Q10: Will I learn about best practices for using advanced functions?

A10: Yes, Module 4 includes best practices for effectively using advanced JavaScript functions in your code.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 5?

A1: In Module 5, you will learn how to manipulate the Document Object Model (DOM) and handle events in JavaScript to create interactive web pages.

Q2: Why is DOM manipulation important?

A2: DOM manipulation is essential for dynamically updating the content and structure of web pages based on user interactions and other events.

Q3: What is the DOM in JavaScript?

A3: The DOM is a programming interface for web documents that represents the structure of a document as a tree of nodes, allowing you to access and manipulate HTML elements.

Q4: Will I learn about event handling in this module?

A4: Yes, event handling is a key topic in Module 5, including how to add, remove, and manage event listeners for various user interactions.

Q5: Are there practical exercises in Module 5?

A5: Yes, Module 5 includes practical exercises and coding challenges to help you apply the concepts you learn and gain hands-on experience.

Q6: How will learning DOM manipulation benefit my coding skills?

A6: Mastering DOM manipulation will enable you to create dynamic and interactive web applications, enhancing your front-end development skills.

Q7: Will I learn about different methods for selecting DOM elements?

A7: Yes, you will explore various methods for selecting DOM elements, such as getElementById, getElementsByClassName, querySelector, and querySelectorAll.

Q8: Can I learn about modifying DOM elements in this module?

A8: Yes, you will learn how to modify DOM elements, including changing their attributes, styles, and content dynamically.

Q9: How long will it take to complete Module 5?

A9: The duration of Module 5 depends on your learning pace, but it is designed to be completed in approximately one week.

Q10: Will I learn about best practices for DOM manipulation and event handling?

A10: Yes, Module 5 includes best practices for efficiently manipulating the DOM and handling events in JavaScript.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 6?

A1: In Module 6, you will learn about error handling and debugging techniques in JavaScript to create robust and error-free code.

Q2: Why is error handling important?

A2: Error handling is crucial for managing and responding to runtime errors gracefully, ensuring a smooth user experience and preventing application crashes.

Q3: What are common error types in JavaScript?

A3: Common error types include syntax errors, runtime errors, and logical errors.

Q4: Will I learn about debugging tools in this module?

A4: Yes, you will explore various debugging tools and techniques, including the browser's developer console and debugging features in code editors.

Q5: Are there practical exercises in Module 6?

A5: Yes, Module 6 includes practical exercises and coding challenges to help you apply the concepts you learn and gain hands-on experience.

Q6: How will learning error handling and debugging benefit my coding skills?

A6: Mastering error handling and debugging will enhance your ability to write reliable and maintainable code, making you a more effective developer.

Q7: Will I learn about try-catch blocks in this module?

A7: Yes, try-catch blocks are covered, including how to use them to handle exceptions and provide meaningful error messages.

Q8: Can I learn about logging and debugging strategies in this module?

A8: Yes, you will learn about various logging and debugging strategies to identify and fix errors efficiently.

Q9: How long will it take to complete Module 6?

A9: The duration of Module 6 depends on your learning pace, but it is designed to be completed in approximately one week.

Q10: Will I learn about best practices for error handling and debugging?

A10: Yes, Module 6 includes best practices for effectively handling errors and debugging code in JavaScript.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 7?

A1: In Module 7, you will learn about asynchronous JavaScript, including promises, async/await, and handling asynchronous operations.

Q2: Why is asynchronous programming important?

A2: Asynchronous programming is essential for performing time-consuming operations without blocking the main thread, ensuring smooth and responsive applications.

Q3: What are promises in JavaScript?

A3: Promises are objects representing the eventual completion (or failure) of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value.

Q4: Will I learn about async/await in this module?

A4: Yes, async/await is a key topic in Module 7, including how to use these keywords to write cleaner and more readable asynchronous code.

Q5: Are there practical exercises in Module 7?

A5: Yes, Module 7 includes practical exercises and coding challenges to help you apply the concepts you learn and gain hands-on experience.

Q6: How will learning asynchronous programming benefit my coding skills?

A6: Mastering asynchronous programming will enhance your ability to build efficient and responsive web applications, improving your overall development skills.

Q7: Will I learn about handling asynchronous operations with callbacks?

A7: Yes, you will explore how to handle asynchronous operations using callbacks, including techniques for avoiding callback hell.

Q8: Can I learn about error handling in asynchronous code in this module?

A8: Yes, you will learn how to handle errors in asynchronous code effectively, ensuring robust and reliable applications.

Q9: How long will it take to complete Module 7?

A9: The duration of Module 7 depends on your learning pace, but it is designed to be completed in approximately one week.

Q10: Will I learn about best practices for asynchronous programming?

A10: Yes, Module 7 includes best practices for effectively writing and managing asynchronous JavaScript code.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 8?

A1: In Module 8, you will learn about advanced JavaScript topics, including closures, prototypes, and the JavaScript event loop.

Q2: Why are advanced JavaScript topics important?

A2: Advanced topics are essential for understanding the deeper mechanics of JavaScript, which helps in writing more efficient and optimized code.

Q3: What are closures in JavaScript?

A3: Closures are functions that have access to the outer (enclosing) function's variables even after the outer function has returned.

Q4: Will I learn about prototypes in this module?

A4: Yes, prototypes are a key topic in Module 8, including how they are used in JavaScript for inheritance and object creation.

Q5: Are there practical exercises in Module 8?

A5: Yes, Module 8 includes practical exercises and coding challenges to help you apply the concepts you learn and gain hands-on experience.

Q6: How will learning about advanced topics benefit my coding skills?

A6: Mastering advanced topics will deepen your understanding of JavaScript, making you a more proficient and versatile developer.

Q7: Will I learn about the JavaScript event loop in this module?

A7: Yes, you will explore the JavaScript event loop, which is crucial for understanding asynchronous behavior in JavaScript.

Q8: Can I learn about memory management in JavaScript in this module?

A8: Yes, memory management is covered, including how to manage memory effectively to avoid leaks and optimize performance.

Q9: How long will it take to complete Module 8?

A9: The duration of Module 8 depends on your learning pace, but it is designed to be completed in approximately one week.

Q10: Will I learn about best practices for advanced JavaScript?

A10: Yes, Module 8 includes best practices for effectively using advanced JavaScript concepts in your code.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 9?

A1: In Module 9, you will learn about popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries, including React, Angular, and Vue.js.

Q2: Why are JavaScript frameworks and libraries important?

A2: Frameworks and libraries provide pre-written code and structures that simplify and accelerate web development.

Q3: What is React?

A3: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, particularly single-page applications where data changes over time.

Q4: Will I learn about Angular in this module?

A4: Yes, Angular is covered, including its use for building dynamic and complex web applications.

Q5: Are there practical exercises in Module 9?

A5: Yes, Module 9 includes practical exercises and coding challenges to help you apply the concepts you learn and gain hands-on experience.

Q6: How will learning about frameworks and libraries benefit my coding skills?

A6: Mastering frameworks and libraries will enable you to build sophisticated web applications more efficiently and effectively.

Q7: Will I learn about Vue.js in this module?

A7: Yes, Vue.js is covered, including its use for building modern and interactive web applications.

Q8: Can I learn about integrating multiple libraries and frameworks in this module?

A8: Yes, you will explore how to integrate and use multiple libraries and frameworks together in your projects.

Q9: How long will it take to complete Module 9?

A9: The duration of Module 9 depends on your learning pace, but it is designed to be completed in approximately one week.

Q10: Will I learn about best practices for using frameworks and libraries?

A10: Yes, Module 9 includes best practices for effectively using JavaScript frameworks and libraries in your projects.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 10?

A1: In Module 10, you will learn about project development and best practices, including version control, code reviews, and testing.

Q2: Why are project development and best practices important?

A2: Adopting best practices ensures that your code is maintainable, scalable, and collaborative, leading to successful project development.

Q3: What is version control?

A3: Version control is a system that tracks changes to code, allowing multiple developers to collaborate and manage code versions effectively.

Q4: Will I learn about code reviews in this module?

A4: Yes, code reviews are covered, including their importance for improving code quality and knowledge sharing among team members.

Q5: Are there practical exercises in Module 10?

A5: Yes, Module 10 includes practical exercises and coding challenges to help you apply the concepts you learn and gain hands-on experience.

Q6: How will learning about project development and best practices benefit my coding skills?

A6: Mastering these practices will enhance your ability to work on professional projects, collaborate with teams, and deliver high-quality software.

Q7: Will I learn about testing in this module?

A7: Yes, you will explore various testing techniques and tools to ensure your code is reliable and bug-free.

Q8: Can I learn about continuous integration and deployment in this module?

A8: Yes, continuous integration and deployment are covered, including how to automate the building, testing, and deployment of your code.

Q9: How long will it take to complete Module 10?

A9: The duration of Module 10 depends on your learning pace, but it is designed to be completed in approximately one week.

Q10: Will I learn about best practices for maintaining code quality?

A10: Yes, Module 10 includes best practices for maintaining high code quality, such as writing clean code, refactoring, and following coding standards.

Aarti Sharma

5   300 Reviews
The Core & Advanced JavaScript course at Groot Academy is fantastic. The curriculum is comprehensive, and the hands-on projects have been instrumental in deepening my understanding of JavaScript.
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Vikram Patel

5   220 Reviews
I’m impressed with the quality of instruction in the JavaScript course at Groot Academy. The instructors are knowledgeable, and the practical assignments helped reinforce key concepts effectively.
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Sneha Verma

5   180 Reviews
The Advanced JavaScript course at Groot Academy was exactly what I needed to advance my skills. The interactive lessons and real-world examples were incredibly helpful.
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Ravi Mehta

5   150 Reviews
Groot Academy's JavaScript course stands out for its in-depth coverage and expert instructors. The course materials and support provided were top-notch and very engaging.
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Pooja Gupta

5   210 Reviews
Enrolling in the Core & Advanced JavaScript course at Groot Academy was a great decision. The practical approach and supportive environment made learning advanced concepts enjoyable.
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Ankit Jain

5   170 Reviews
The JavaScript course at Groot Academy exceeded my expectations. The balance between theory and practical application was perfect, and the instructors were always available to help.
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Meera Joshi

5   230 Reviews
Groot Academy’s JavaScript course is well-structured and thorough. The hands-on projects and detailed explanations provided a solid understanding of both core and advanced JavaScript topics.
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Amit Kumar

5   200 Reviews
The JavaScript training at Groot Academy is exceptional. The course covered everything from basic to advanced concepts with great clarity and practical exercises that reinforced learning.
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Ritika Sharma

5   190 Reviews
I had a fantastic experience with the JavaScript course at Groot Academy. The instructors were excellent, and the course content was relevant and updated, making it very effective.
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Nikhil Rao

5   250 Reviews
The Core & Advanced JavaScript course at Groot Academy is a game-changer. The detailed modules and expert guidance provided helped me master JavaScript with ease.
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Swati Singh

5   160 Reviews
Groot Academy offers a top-notch JavaScript course. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical applications made complex topics easier to understand and apply.
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Rajesh Kumar

5   240 Reviews
I highly recommend Groot Academy’s JavaScript course. The curriculum is extensive, and the instructors are very experienced, providing valuable insights into advanced JavaScript techniques.
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Nisha Agarwal

5   190 Reviews
The Core & Advanced JavaScript course at Groot Academy is excellent. The practical approach and supportive instructors made learning complex JavaScript concepts much easier.
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Karan Sharma

5   210 Reviews
Groot Academy’s JavaScript course is outstanding. The in-depth content and engaging teaching style helped me gain a strong grasp of both fundamental and advanced JavaScript topics.
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