Master Angular JS Development in Jaipur, Rajasthan at Groot Academy

Welcome to Groot Academy, Jaipur's premier institute for IT and software training. We are proud to offer the best Angular JS Development Course in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Whether you are a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, our comprehensive course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to excel in modern web development.

Course Overview:

Are you ready to become a proficient Angular JS developer? Join Groot Academy's best Angular JS course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and accelerate your career in web development.

  • 2341 Total Students
  • 4.7 (1380 Ratings)
  • 1302 Reviews 5*

Why Choose Our Angular JS Course?

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers everything from core Angular JS concepts to advanced topics like components, data binding, directives, and state management.
  • Expert Instructors: Learn from industry experts with years of experience in Angular JS and modern web development.
  • Hands-On Projects: Gain practical experience by working on real-world projects and assignments.
  • Career Support: Get access to our extensive network of hiring partners and receive career guidance and placement assistance.

Course Highlights

  • Introduction to Angular JS: Understand the core principles of Angular JS and its role in modern web development.
  • Components & Data Binding: Master components, directives, and two-way data binding to build responsive web applications.
  • Advanced Angular: Explore services, routing, and state management for scalable web applications.
  • Real-World Projects: Apply Angular JS concepts to develop modern, feature-rich web applications.

Why Choose Our Course:

  • Expert Instruction: Our experienced instructors bring real-world knowledge and industry insights to the classroom, guiding you through each concept with clarity and depth.
  • Hands-On Projects: Put theory into practice with hands-on projects that simulate real-world scenarios. Develop a strong portfolio that showcases your coding prowess.
  • Personalized Learning: We understand that each learner's pace is unique. Our course is designed to accommodate different learning styles and speeds, ensuring you grasp concepts thoroughly.
  • Career Relevance: The skills acquired in this course are highly transferable and applicable across various web development domains. Whether you're interested in front-end development or full-stack development, Angular JS is a crucial skill.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Aspiring web developers
  • Front-end developers seeking to upskill
  • Developers looking to specialize in Angular technologies
  • Entrepreneurs planning to develop their own web applications

Why Groot Academy?

  • Modern Learning Environment: State-of-the-art facilities and resources.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Weekday and weekend batches available.
  • Student-Centric Approach: Small batch sizes for personalized attention.
  • Affordable Fees: Competitive pricing with various payment options.

Course Duration and Fees

  • Duration: 6 months (Part-Time)
  • Fees: ₹65,000 (Installment options available)

Enroll Now

Kickstart your journey to becoming an Angular JS expert with Groot Academy. Enroll in the best Angular JS course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and take the first step toward a rewarding career in web development.

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Overview of AngularJS
30 Minutes
Installing and Configuring AngularJS
45 Minutes
Understanding Directives
40 Minutes
Creating and Using Controllers
50 Minutes
Introduction to Services
35 Minutes
Setting Up Routing
40 Minutes
Form Validation Techniques
55 Minutes
Understanding Dependency Injection
45 Minutes
Integrating RESTful APIs
50 Minutes
Custom Directives
55 Minutes
Unit Testing with Jasmine and Karma
60 Minutes
Performance Tuning Techniques
50 Minutes
Building a Complete AngularJS Application
120 Minutes



Shivanshi Paliwal

C, C++, DSA, J2SE, J2EE, Spring & Hibernate

Satnam Singh

Software Architect
Q1: What is AngularJS?

A1: AngularJS is a JavaScript framework developed by Google for building dynamic web applications using a model-view-controller (MVC) architecture.

Q2: What are the key features of AngularJS?

A2: Key features include two-way data binding, dependency injection, and directives that extend HTML functionality.

Q3: How does AngularJS handle data binding?

A3: AngularJS uses two-way data binding to synchronize data between the model and the view, automatically updating the view when the model changes and vice versa.

Q4: What is a directive in AngularJS?

A4: A directive is a special token in the markup that tells the library to do something to a DOM element, such as `ng-model`, `ng-repeat`, or `ng-bind`.

Q5: What is dependency injection in AngularJS?

A5: Dependency injection is a design pattern used in AngularJS to manage the dependencies of components and services, promoting modularity and ease of testing.

Q6: How does AngularJS improve modularity in applications?

A6: AngularJS improves modularity by allowing developers to create reusable components, services, and modules that can be easily injected into different parts of the application.

Q7: What is the purpose of the AngularJS `$scope` object?

A7: The `$scope` object provides a scope for data binding between the view and the controller, allowing interaction with the application’s data model.

Q8: How do AngularJS modules help in application development?

A8: AngularJS modules help organize code by grouping related components, services, and directives together, making the application more manageable and scalable.

Q9: What is the AngularJS `$http` service used for?

A9: The `$http` service is used to make asynchronous HTTP requests to servers, allowing data to be fetched or sent to the server without reloading the page.

Q1: What are the system requirements for AngularJS development?

A1: The basic requirements include a modern web browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.), a code editor (Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text), and Node.js for package management.

Q2: How do you install AngularJS?

A2: AngularJS can be installed by including it via a CDN in your HTML file or by using package managers like npm or bower.

Q3: What is the AngularJS CLI and how is it used?

A3: The AngularJS CLI (Command Line Interface) is a tool for initializing, developing, and maintaining AngularJS applications. It helps in generating components, services, and other parts of the application.

Q4: How do you set up a development environment for AngularJS?

A4: Set up a development environment by installing Node.js, the AngularJS CLI, and a code editor. Then, create a new project and start a local development server.

Q5: What are some best practices for organizing an AngularJS project?

A5: Best practices include structuring the project with a clear folder hierarchy, separating concerns, and using AngularJS modules to organize code.

Q6: How do you configure AngularJS for production?

A6: Configure AngularJS for production by minifying and bundling scripts, enabling Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, and setting up a build process with tools like Webpack.

Q7: What are AngularJS environment variables and how are they used?

A7: Environment variables store configuration settings for different environments (development, testing, production). They are used to manage environment-specific settings without changing the code.

Q8: How can you use AngularJS with other frameworks?

A8: AngularJS can be used with other frameworks by integrating them through modules or services, ensuring compatibility and managing dependencies effectively.

Q9: How do you manage dependencies in an AngularJS project?

A9: Manage dependencies using package managers like npm or bower to install and update libraries and modules as required by the project.

Q1: What are AngularJS directives?

A1: Directives are special markers in the DOM that tell AngularJS to do something with the DOM elements or attributes, such as `ng-model`, `ng-repeat`, or `ng-bind`.

Q2: How do you create a custom directive in AngularJS?

A2: Custom directives are created by defining a directive using the `.directive` method on an AngularJS module and specifying its behavior and template.

Q3: What is two-way data binding in AngularJS?

A3: Two-way data binding is a mechanism that synchronizes the model and the view, so changes in the model are reflected in the view and vice versa.

Q4: What is the role of `ng-bind` directive?

A4: The `ng-bind` directive binds the value of a variable to a specified HTML element, updating the element's content whenever the variable changes.

Q5: How does `ng-model` work?

A5: The `ng-model` directive binds the value of an HTML input element to a variable in the AngularJS scope, enabling two-way data binding between the input and the model.

Q6: What is the difference between `ng-repeat` and `ng-for`?

A6: `ng-repeat` is used to iterate over a collection and render elements for each item, while `ng-for` is not a standard AngularJS directive (it’s a term from other frameworks). The correct directive is `ng-repeat`.

Q7: How do you use filters with AngularJS directives?

A7: Filters can be used within directives to format data before it is displayed, such as formatting dates or currency values.

Q8: What are built-in AngularJS directives?

A8: Built-in directives include `ng-app`, `ng-controller`, `ng-model`, `ng-repeat`, and `ng-if`, each providing specific functionality for AngularJS applications.

Q9: How do you debug AngularJS directives?

A9: Debug AngularJS directives by using browser developer tools to inspect the DOM, logging output from the directive’s controller, and utilizing AngularJS’s built-in debugging tools like Batarang.

Q1: What is the purpose of a controller in AngularJS?

A1: A controller in AngularJS is responsible for handling the business logic of the application, interacting with the model, and updating the view accordingly.

Q2: How do you define a controller in AngularJS?

A2: A controller is defined using the `.controller` method on an AngularJS module, specifying the controller’s name and function.

Q3: What is the role of `$scope` in AngularJS?

A3: `$scope` provides a context for the application’s data and functions, allowing data binding between the view and the controller.

Q4: How do you use `$scope` to share data between controllers?

A4: Data can be shared between controllers using services or by passing data through the `$scope` object if controllers are nested.

Q5: What is the `$rootScope` object used for?

A5: `$rootScope` is used to define properties and functions that are accessible across all controllers in the application, providing a global scope.

Q6: How do you handle events in AngularJS controllers?

A6: Events are handled using the `$emit`, `$broadcast`, and `$on` methods to communicate between controllers and other components.

Q7: What is the difference between `$scope` and `$rootScope`?

A7: `$scope` is specific to the current controller or view, while `$rootScope` is global and accessible by all controllers in the application.

Q8: How do you use functions in AngularJS controllers?

A8: Functions are defined within the controller’s function and can be used to perform actions, handle events, or manipulate data in the `$scope` object.

Q9: How do you test AngularJS controllers?

A9: Controllers are tested using AngularJS’s testing framework, such as Jasmine or Karma, by creating unit tests that validate the controller’s behavior and interactions.

Q1: What are AngularJS services?

A1: AngularJS services are singleton objects that provide reusable business logic or data to other components in the application.

Q2: How do you define a service in AngularJS?

A2: A service is defined using the `.service` method on an AngularJS module, specifying the service’s name and function.

Q3: What is the difference between a service and a factory in AngularJS?

A3: A service is instantiated using the `new` keyword and is used for creating objects, while a factory returns an object or function that can be used for creating instances.

Q4: How do you use dependency injection with AngularJS services?

A4: Dependency injection is used to provide services or other dependencies to a service, controller, or component by declaring them as parameters in the service’s constructor function.

Q5: What is the purpose of `$http` service?

A5: The `$http` service is used to make asynchronous HTTP requests to servers, allowing data to be fetched or sent without reloading the page.

Q6: How do you create a singleton service in AngularJS?

A6: A singleton service is created by defining it with the `.service` method on an AngularJS module, ensuring that only one instance of the service is created and shared across the application.

Q7: What are AngularJS built-in services?

A7: Built-in services include `$http`, `$location`, `$timeout`, `$interval`, and `$route`, among others, each providing specific functionality for AngularJS applications.

Q8: How do you use `$resource` service in AngularJS?

A8: The `$resource` service is used to interact with RESTful server-side data sources, providing a higher-level abstraction for making API calls and handling responses.

Q9: How can you test AngularJS services?

A9: Services are tested using AngularJS’s testing framework by creating unit tests that validate the service’s methods, behavior, and interactions with other components.

Q1: What is routing in AngularJS?

A1: Routing is the mechanism that allows you to define different views or pages in your application, and navigate between them based on the URL.

Q2: How do you set up routing in AngularJS?

A2: Set up routing by including the `ngRoute` module and configuring routes using the `$routeProvider` service in your AngularJS module.

Q3: What is the purpose of `$routeProvider`?

A3: `$routeProvider` is used to define routes and associate them with specific controllers and views, enabling navigation between different parts of the application.

Q4: How do you implement nested views in AngularJS?

A4: Implement nested views by defining nested routes within a parent route and using the `ng-view` directive to display different views in the parent view’s template.

Q5: What is the `ng-view` directive used for?

A5: The `ng-view` directive is used to display the content of the view associated with the current route, replacing the directive's content with the route's template.

Q6: How do you handle route parameters in AngularJS?

A6: Route parameters are handled by defining parameters in the route’s URL and accessing them within the controller using the `$routeParams` service.

Q7: What is `$locationProvider` and how is it used?

A7: `$locationProvider` configures the URL format and the way URLs are handled in the application, allowing you to enable HTML5 mode for cleaner URLs.

Q8: How do you implement route guards in AngularJS?

A8: Route guards are implemented using route resolve properties or by defining custom services that can control access to routes based on conditions.

Q9: How can you test AngularJS routing?

A9: Routing is tested using AngularJS’s testing framework by creating unit tests that check route configurations, navigation, and the proper loading of controllers and views.

Q1: How do you create a form in AngularJS?

A1: Create a form using the `

` tag and AngularJS directives like `ng-model`, `ng-submit`, and `ng-class` to bind data and handle form submissions.

Q2: What is the purpose of `ng-model` in forms?

A2: `ng-model` binds the value of form input fields to a variable in the AngularJS scope, enabling two-way data binding between the form and the model.

Q3: How do you validate forms in AngularJS?

A3: Forms are validated using AngularJS built-in validation directives such as `ng-required`, `ng-pattern`, and `ng-minlength`, which provide feedback on user input.

Q4: What are form controllers and how are they used?

A4: Form controllers are used to manage form data and validation states. They are accessed using the `form` object in the controller to check if the form is valid or invalid.

Q5: How can you handle form submission in AngularJS?

A5: Handle form submission by using the `ng-submit` directive to call a function in the controller when the form is submitted and process the form data accordingly.

Q6: What are form directives and how do they work?

A6: Form directives are AngularJS directives that provide additional functionality for form elements, such as `ng-change` for detecting changes and `ng-disabled` for disabling inputs.

Q7: How do you handle custom form validations?

A7: Custom form validations are handled by creating custom validation directives that define validation rules and error messages specific to the application’s needs.

Q8: What is `ng-form` and how is it different from ``?

A8: `ng-form` is a directive that extends the functionality of the standard ` ` tag, allowing nested forms and scope management within AngularJS applications.

Q9: How do you test AngularJS forms?

A9: Test AngularJS forms by creating unit tests that check form validation logic, submission handling, and data binding using testing frameworks like Jasmine and Karma.

Q1: What is dependency injection in AngularJS?

A1: Dependency injection is a design pattern used to manage dependencies between components and services, allowing for better modularity and testability in AngularJS applications.

Q2: How does AngularJS implement dependency injection?

A2: AngularJS implements dependency injection by allowing services, factories, and other components to be injected into controllers, services, and directives through the constructor function.

Q3: What are the benefits of using dependency injection?

A3: Benefits include improved code modularity, easier testing, and better management of dependencies, reducing the need for manual dependency management.

Q4: What is the role of the `$injector` service?

A4: The `$injector` service is responsible for instantiating and managing AngularJS components and services, and for injecting dependencies into them.

Q5: How do you inject services into controllers?

A5: Inject services into controllers by declaring them as parameters in the controller’s function, and AngularJS will automatically provide the service instances.

Q6: What is the difference between `$provide` and `$injector`?

A6: `$provide` is used to configure and register services and components, while `$injector` is used to retrieve and instantiate these services and manage dependencies.

Q7: How do you create and use a custom provider?

A7: Create a custom provider by defining it using the `.provider` method on an AngularJS module, and configure it using the provider’s `$get` method to return the service or factory.

Q8: How does AngularJS handle circular dependencies?

A8: AngularJS handles circular dependencies by detecting and resolving them automatically, but it is generally best to avoid circular dependencies by restructuring code.

Q9: How can you test dependency injection?

A9: Test dependency injection by creating unit tests that verify the proper injection and functionality of services and components using testing frameworks like Jasmine and Karma.

Q1: What are RESTful services?

A1: RESTful services are web services that follow the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST), using HTTP methods to perform CRUD operations on resources.

Q2: How do you make HTTP requests in AngularJS?

A2: Make HTTP requests using the `$http` service, specifying the method, URL, and any required data or parameters.

Q3: What is the purpose of `$resource` in AngularJS?

A3: `$resource` is used to interact with RESTful server-side data sources, providing a higher-level abstraction for CRUD operations and API interactions.

Q4: How do you handle responses from API calls in AngularJS?

A4: Handle responses by using `.then()` and `.catch()` methods with the `$http` or `$resource` services to process successful and failed responses.

Q5: What is the role of `$httpInterceptor`?

A5: `$httpInterceptor` allows you to intercept and modify HTTP requests and responses globally, providing a way to handle authentication, logging, or error handling.

Q6: How do you configure request and response headers in AngularJS?

A6: Configure headers using the `headers` property in `$http` requests or by setting default headers with the `$httpProvider` service.

Q7: How do you handle authentication with RESTful services?

A7: Handle authentication by including authentication tokens or credentials in HTTP requests and using `$httpInterceptor` to manage authentication headers.

Q8: What are some common issues with API integration?

A8: Common issues include handling CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) errors, managing authentication tokens, and dealing with inconsistent data formats or API endpoints.

Q9: How can you test API integrations in AngularJS?

A9: Test API integrations by creating unit tests that mock HTTP requests and responses, ensuring that API calls and data handling work correctly using testing frameworks like Jasmine and Karma.

Q1: What are custom directives in AngularJS?

A1: Custom directives are user-defined directives that extend HTML with new elements, attributes, or behaviors, allowing for reusable and modular components.

Q2: How do you create a custom directive in AngularJS?

A2: Create a custom directive using the `.directive` method on an AngularJS module, defining the directive’s behavior and template.

Q3: What is the role of `$q` service in AngularJS?

A3: The `$q` service is used to create and manage promises, providing a way to handle asynchronous operations and chaining of asynchronous tasks.

Q4: How do you optimize performance in AngularJS applications?

A4: Optimize performance by using techniques such as lazy loading, one-time bindings, and minimizing the number of watchers and digest cycles.

Q5: What is the `$timeout` service and how is it used?

A5: The `$timeout` service is used to execute code after a specified delay, similar to JavaScript’s `setTimeout`, and can be used for animations or deferred actions.

Q6: How do you handle errors in AngularJS applications?

A6: Handle errors by using error handling techniques such as `$exceptionHandler`, `$httpInterceptor`, and implementing try-catch blocks in code.

Q7: What is the purpose of `ng-bind`?

A7: `ng-bind` is used to bind data to HTML elements, replacing the element’s content with the value of an AngularJS expression without using double curly braces.

Q8: How do you manage state in AngularJS applications?

A8: Manage state using AngularJS’s built-in services like `$state` and `$route`, or by implementing state management libraries or custom solutions.

Q9: How can you test advanced AngularJS features?

A9: Test advanced features by creating unit tests for custom directives, services, and performance optimizations, using testing frameworks and tools to ensure functionality and reliability.

Aditi Sharma

5   312 Reviews
The Angular JS course at Groot Academy was exceptional. The instructors were knowledgeable and the hands-on projects were incredibly useful. I feel much more confident in my Angular skills now.
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Ravi Kumar

5   289 Reviews
Groot Academy’s Angular JS course provided a solid foundation in Angular. The practical exercises and real-world examples helped me understand the framework thoroughly. Highly recommend!
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Priya Mehta

5   278 Reviews
I had a great experience with Groot Academy's Angular JS course. The content was well-organized, and the instructors were always available to clarify doubts. The course exceeded my expectations.
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Vikram Patel

5   295 Reviews
The Angular JS course at Groot Academy was fantastic. The curriculum was up-to-date, and the teaching methods were very effective. I learned a lot and felt well-prepared for my projects.
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Anjali Rani

5   310 Reviews
Groot Academy offers one of the best Angular JS courses in Jaipur. The course material was comprehensive, and the support from instructors was outstanding. It’s a great investment in your career.
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Arjun Joshi

5   265 Reviews
I enrolled in the Angular JS course at Groot Academy and was impressed by the quality of the training. The practical sessions were very insightful and helped me apply the concepts effectively.
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Sneha Agarwal

5   280 Reviews
The Angular JS course at Groot Academy was well-structured and informative. The instructors were experts in their field, and the hands-on approach made learning enjoyable and effective.
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Manoj Verma

5   300 Reviews
Groot Academy’s Angular JS course was an excellent learning experience. The detailed explanations and practical exercises helped me master Angular JS. Highly recommended for anyone looking to advance their skills.
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Neha Singh

5   275 Reviews
The Angular JS course at Groot Academy was thorough and engaging. The instructors were very supportive and provided valuable feedback on assignments. I gained a lot of practical knowledge.
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Amit Sharma

5   285 Reviews
I thoroughly enjoyed the Angular JS course at Groot Academy. The teaching was top-notch, and the course materials were very well-organized. It’s one of the best courses I’ve taken.
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Sonia Patel

5   270 Reviews
Groot Academy’s Angular JS course is excellent for anyone looking to dive deep into Angular. The instructors were knowledgeable, and the course offered plenty of hands-on practice. Very satisfied!
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Rakesh Jain

5   308 Reviews
The Angular JS course at Groot Academy was superb. The instructors provided clear explanations and practical examples, making it easy to understand complex concepts. Great course!
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Kavita Mehta

5   292 Reviews
I found Groot Academy’s Angular JS course to be very comprehensive and well-taught. The interactive sessions and real-life projects were particularly helpful in reinforcing the learning.
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Rahul Singh

5   256 Reviews
The Angular JS course at Groot Academy exceeded my expectations. The instructors are supportive, and the practical approach to learning helped me grasp complex concepts easily.
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