Master PHP Back-End Development in Jaipur, Rajasthan with Groot Academy

Welcome to Groot Academy, your premier destination for IT training in Jaipur, Rajasthan. If you're passionate about coding and want to become a proficient back-end developer, our PHP course is designed just for you.

Course Overview:

Are you ready to become a skilled back-end developer with expertise in PHP? Join Groot Academy's best Back-End Development Course with PHP in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and transform your career in the tech industry.

Our course is designed to provide comprehensive training in PHP, ensuring you gain the knowledge and skills required to excel in back-end development. Here’s what you can expect:

  • 2221 Total Students
  • 4.5 (1254 Rating)
  • 1256 Reviews 5*

Why Choose Our PHP Back-End Development Course?

At Groot Academy, we understand the importance of a solid foundation in back-end development. Our course is tailored to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the competitive tech industry. Here’s why our PHP back-end development course stands out:

  • Comprehensive Curriculum:Our course covers all essential aspects of PHP programming, from basics to advanced concepts. You’ll learn how to build dynamic and interactive web applications that are secure and efficient.
  • Expert Instructors: Learn from industry experts who bring years of experience in PHP development. Our instructors are dedicated to providing personalized guidance and support to help you succeed.
  • Hands-On Projects: Gain practical experience by working on real-world projects and assignments.
  • Career Support: Get access to our extensive network of hiring partners and receive career guidance and placement assistance.

Course Highlights

  • Introduction to Web Development: Understand the basics of web development and the role of a full-stack developer.
  • Front-End Development: Master React.js, JSX, components, state management, and hooks.
  • Back-End Development: Learn Node.js, Express.js, RESTful APIs, and authentication.
  • Database Management: Work with MongoDB, Mongoose, and perform CRUD operations.
  • Deployment: Deploy your applications on cloud platforms like AWS and Heroku.

Why Choose Our Course:

  • Expert Instruction: Our experienced instructors bring real-world knowledge and industry insights to the classroom, guiding you through each concept with clarity and depth.
  • Hands-On Projects: Put theory into practice with hands-on projects that simulate real-world scenarios. Develop a strong portfolio that showcases your coding prowess.
  • Personalized Learning: We understand that each learner's pace is unique. Our course is designed to accommodate different learning styles and speeds, ensuring you grasp concepts thoroughly.
  • Career Relevance: The skills acquired in this course are highly transferable and applicable across various programming domains. Whether you're interested in software development, game design, or application programming, C and C++ form a solid foundation.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Aspiring web developers
  • Front-end developers looking to learn back-end development
  • Software engineers seeking to upskill
  • Entrepreneurs planning to develop their own applications

Why Groot Academy?

  • Modern Learning Environment: State-of-the-art facilities and resources.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Weekday and weekend batches available.
  • Student-Centric Approach: Small batch sizes for personalized attention.
  • Affordable Fees: Competitive pricing with various payment options.

Course Duration and Fees

  • Duration: 6 months (Part-Time)
  • Fees: ₹60,000 (Installment options available)

Enroll Now

Kickstart your journey to becoming a full-stack web developer with Groot Academy. Enroll in the best Full Stack Web Development with NodeJS (MERN Stack) course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and take the first step towards a rewarding career in tech.

Contact Us

Overview of web development
Understanding back-end development
Tools and technologies used in back-end development
Setting up the development environment
Introduction to PHP
Variables and data types
Control structures: loops and conditionals
Functions in PHP
Working with forms
Introduction to databases and SQL
Connecting PHP to MySQL
CRUD operations
Prepared statements and security
Working with multiple tables
Object-oriented programming in PHP
Classes and objects
Inheritance and polymorphism
Namespaces and traits
Exception handling
MVC architecture
Creating a simple MVC framework
Routing and controllers
Views and templates
Handling user input
User authentication
Session management
Password hashing
Implementing user roles and permissions
Securing web applications
Introduction to APIs
Creating RESTful APIs with PHP
Handling API requests and responses
Consuming third-party APIs
Introduction to testing in PHP
Unit testing with PHPUnit
Functional testing
Debugging techniques
Handling errors and exceptions
Preparing PHP applications for deployment
Deploying to web servers
Configuring server environments
Monitoring and logging
Maintaining and updating applications
Introduction to advanced topics
PHP frameworks: Laravel, Symfony, etc.
Real-time applications with WebSockets
Microservices architecture
Best practices and coding standards
Planning and designing a real-world project
Implementing the project using PHP
Integrating with back-end services
Testing and debugging the project
Preparing the final project for presentation
Showcasing your project in a portfolio
Tips for creating an impressive developer portfolio
Career guidance and job preparation



Shivanshi Paliwal

C, C++, DSA, J2SE, J2EE, Spring & Hibernate

Satnam Singh

Software Architect
Q1: What will I learn in Module 1 of this course?

A1: In Module 1, you will learn the basics of PHP, including an introduction to its syntax, variables, and data types. Additionally, you will be introduced to PHP's role in server-side development.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 1?

A2: No prior experience is required. This module is designed for beginners and will cover foundational concepts in PHP.

Q3: How long is Module 1 expected to take?

A3: Module 1 typically takes about 2-3 weeks to complete, depending on your learning pace and the schedule of the course.

Q4: Will there be any hands-on projects in Module 1?

A4: Yes, Module 1 includes hands-on projects and exercises to help you apply the concepts you learn in real-world scenarios.

Q5: What tools and software will I need for this module?

A5: You will need a text editor (such as Visual Studio Code), a web browser, and PHP installed on your computer. Detailed setup instructions will be provided at the start of the module.

Q6: Are there any assessments or quizzes in Module 1?

A6: Yes, there will be quizzes and assessments to test your understanding of the concepts covered in the module.

Q7: How can I get help if I have questions or need assistance during Module 1?

A7: You can get help through our 24/7 support system, which includes live chat, email support, and one-on-one mentoring sessions.

Q8: What are the key outcomes of completing Module 1?

A8: By the end of Module 1, you will have a solid understanding of the basics of PHP, preparing you for more advanced topics in subsequent modules.

Q9: Is there any recommended reading or resources for Module 1?

A9: Yes, we provide a list of recommended reading materials and online resources to supplement your learning and deepen your understanding of the topics covered.

Q10: Can I skip Module 1 if I already have some experience in PHP development?

A10: If you already have a solid understanding of the basics, you can discuss with the course coordinator to see if you can skip Module 1 and move directly to more advanced modules.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 2?

A1: Module 2 covers PHP basics including syntax, variables, data types, operators, and control structures. You will also learn about functions, arrays, and error handling.

Q2: How does this module build on Module 1?

A2: This module builds on the foundational knowledge from Module 1 by diving deeper into PHP's syntax and functionality, providing more detailed examples and exercises.

Q3: Are there practical exercises included in this module?

A3: Yes, there are practical exercises and coding challenges to help you apply what you’ve learned and build a solid foundation in PHP programming.

Q4: Will there be support for learning and understanding PHP basics?

A4: Yes, there will be ample support including tutorials, code samples, and Q&A sessions to assist with understanding PHP basics.

Q5: What kind of projects will be part of Module 2?

A5: Projects will include creating simple PHP scripts, functions, and basic applications to reinforce your understanding of PHP basics.

Q1: What advanced techniques are covered in Module 3?

A1: Module 3 covers advanced PHP techniques including object-oriented programming (OOP), error handling, file manipulation, and working with sessions and cookies.

Q2: How does OOP in PHP differ from procedural programming?

A2: OOP in PHP focuses on objects and classes, promoting reusability and modular code, while procedural programming relies on functions and procedures to manipulate data.

Q3: Will there be hands-on projects in this module?

A3: Yes, hands-on projects will include creating OOP-based applications, working with files, and implementing session management.

Q4: What resources are available for learning advanced PHP techniques?

A4: Resources include code samples, video tutorials, and documentation on advanced PHP concepts and practices.

Q1: What is covered in Module 4?

A1: Module 4 covers working with databases in PHP, including connecting to databases, performing CRUD operations, and using SQL queries. You'll learn to integrate PHP with MySQL databases.

Q2: What kind of projects will be included?

A2: Projects will involve creating database-driven applications, such as a content management system or a user registration system, to practice database interactions.

Q3: Will there be practical exercises on SQL?

A3: Yes, practical exercises on SQL will be included to help you understand how to write and execute queries, and handle data within your PHP applications.

Q4: What database management systems will be used?

A4: The focus will be on MySQL, but you will also be introduced to other database management systems and their integration with PHP.

Q1: What does Module 5 focus on?

A1: Module 5 focuses on web security in PHP. Topics include securing PHP applications, protecting against SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and session hijacking.

Q2: Why is web security important in PHP development?

A2: Web security is crucial to protect user data, prevent unauthorized access, and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of web applications.

Q3: Will there be practical security implementations?

A3: Yes, practical exercises will involve implementing security measures and best practices in PHP applications to safeguard against common vulnerabilities.

Q4: What tools or techniques will be covered for security testing?

A4: Tools and techniques for security testing, such as vulnerability scanners and secure coding practices, will be covered to help identify and fix potential security issues.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 6?

A1: Module 6 provides an overview of popular PHP frameworks such as Laravel and Symfony. You'll learn about the benefits of using frameworks, their architecture, and how they facilitate rapid development.

Q2: How will this module benefit my PHP development skills?

A2: Understanding PHP frameworks will enhance your ability to develop complex applications more efficiently, leveraging built-in tools and libraries to streamline development.

Q3: Will there be practical exercises with frameworks?

A3: Yes, practical exercises will include building sample applications using different frameworks to gain hands-on experience with their features and best practices.

Q4: What are the key differences between Laravel and Symfony?

A4: Laravel is known for its ease of use and elegant syntax, while Symfony is highly flexible and customizable. Both have unique features and are used based on project requirements.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 7?

A1: Module 7 focuses on integrating PHP with APIs. You will learn how to make API requests using PHP, handle responses, and interact with third-party services to fetch or send data.

Q2: What types of APIs will be covered?

A2: The module will cover RESTful APIs, SOAP APIs, and how to use PHP libraries to interact with these services effectively.

Q3: Are there practical exercises involving APIs?

A3: Yes, practical exercises will involve creating and consuming APIs, including building a sample application that interacts with external services.

Q4: What tools or libraries will be used in this module?

A4: You will use PHP libraries like cURL and tools such as Postman to test and debug API requests.

Q1: What topics are covered in Module 8?

A1: Module 8 covers the process of building and deploying PHP applications. You will learn about application architecture, deployment strategies, and how to host your PHP applications on a server.

Q2: What are the key components of application deployment?

A2: Key components include preparing the application for production, configuring the server environment, deploying code, and ensuring proper security and performance optimizations.

Q3: Will there be practical exercises on deployment?

A3: Yes, you will work on deploying a PHP application to various hosting platforms, including shared hosting, VPS, and cloud services.

Q4: What tools and services will be used for deployment?

A4: Tools and services such as FTP clients, deployment scripts, and cloud platforms like AWS or Heroku will be used for deployment exercises.

Q1: What will be covered in Module 9?

A1: Module 9 covers best practices and optimization techniques for PHP development. Topics include coding standards, performance optimization, and efficient coding practices to enhance the quality and speed of your PHP applications.

Q2: Why are best practices important in PHP development?

A2: Following best practices ensures that your code is clean, maintainable, and scalable. It also helps in avoiding common pitfalls and improving overall application performance.

Q3: What are some key optimization techniques covered?

A3: Key techniques include caching strategies, optimizing database queries, and profiling your PHP code to identify and resolve performance bottlenecks.

Q4: Will there be practical examples of optimization?

A4: Yes, practical examples and exercises will demonstrate how to apply optimization techniques to real-world PHP applications.

Q1: What does Module 10 focus on?

A1: Module 10 focuses on integrating PHP with web services. You will learn about web service architectures, such as SOAP and REST, and how to use PHP to consume and interact with these services.

Q2: What types of web services will be covered?

A2: The module will cover both SOAP and RESTful web services, including how to make requests and process responses in PHP.

Q3: Will there be hands-on exercises with web services?

A3: Yes, hands-on exercises will include creating and consuming web services, with practical examples of integrating them into PHP applications.

Q4: What are the key benefits of using web services?

A4: Web services enable communication and data exchange between different systems and platforms, allowing for more flexible and scalable application architectures.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 11?

A1: Module 11 covers testing and debugging techniques for PHP applications. Topics include unit testing with PHPUnit, debugging tools, and strategies for identifying and fixing issues in your PHP code.

Q2: Why is testing important in PHP development?

A2: Testing is crucial for ensuring that your code works as expected, catching errors early, and maintaining the overall quality and reliability of your applications.

Q3: What debugging tools will be covered?

A3: Tools such as Xdebug and built-in PHP debugging functions will be covered to help you trace and resolve issues in your code.

Q4: Will there be practical exercises on testing and debugging?

A4: Yes, practical exercises will involve writing and running unit tests, as well as using debugging tools to identify and fix issues in sample applications.

Q1: What is the focus of Module 12?

A1: Module 12 focuses on applying all the skills learned in previous modules to a final project. You'll also work on developing a portfolio to showcase your work and prepare for career opportunities.

Q2: What will the final project involve?

A2: The final project will involve building a comprehensive PHP application that demonstrates your ability to integrate various PHP concepts and technologies.

Q3: How will the portfolio development help my career?

A3: Developing a portfolio allows you to showcase your skills and projects to potential employers, highlighting your practical experience and technical abilities.

Q4: Will there be guidance on job preparation?

A4: Yes, you will receive guidance on resume writing, interview preparation, and leveraging your portfolio to advance your career in PHP development.

Rahul Sharma

5   256 Reviews
The best decision I made was to enroll in this PHP back-end development course in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The instructors are knowledgeable, and the curriculum is comprehensive. I feel well-prepared for the job market.
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Priya Mehta

4   128 Reviews
Great PHP course in Jaipur with practical examples and hands-on projects. It helped me build a strong foundation in PHP and back-end development.
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Amit Patel

5   200 Reviews
Excellent PHP training program in Jaipur. The faculty members are very supportive and experienced. Highly recommended for anyone in Rajasthan!
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Sneha Gupta

4   112 Reviews
Good course material and well-structured PHP classes in Jaipur. The placement support was very helpful for starting my career in Rajasthan.
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Rohit Kumar

5   220 Reviews
This PHP course in Jaipur is a perfect blend of theory and practical sessions. It really helped me understand the core concepts of back-end development.
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Anjali Verma

4   130 Reviews
I enjoyed learning PHP through this course in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The instructors were patient and explained the concepts clearly.
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Vikram Singh

5   210 Reviews
The best PHP course in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The real-world projects and assignments were very beneficial.
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Ritu Kapoor

4   180 Reviews
The PHP course content is up-to-date and relevant to current industry standards. The instructors in Jaipur are very knowledgeable.
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Neha Sharma

5   240 Reviews
I am extremely satisfied with this PHP course in Jaipur. It provided me with the skills needed to start my career in back-end development.
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Arjun Desai

4   150 Reviews
The training sessions were interactive and the trainers in Jaipur were very approachable. Learned a lot from this PHP course.
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Kavita Raj

5   230 Reviews
Highly recommend this PHP course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, for anyone interested in PHP development. The instructors are great and the course material is very thorough.
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Rakesh Singh

4   140 Reviews
The PHP course in Jaipur was well-organized and the trainers were very helpful. It definitely helped me in my job search in Rajasthan.
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Ankit Sharma

5   260 Reviews
One of the best PHP courses I have taken in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The practical approach and real-world examples were extremely beneficial.
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Rohit Jain

4   170 Reviews
Very good PHP course in Jaipur with experienced faculty. The hands-on projects were very useful in understanding the concepts.
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Karan Gupta

5   250 Reviews
This course provided me with a deep understanding of PHP and back-end development. The trainers in Jaipur were excellent.
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Meena Verma

4   135 Reviews
The course was very detailed and covered all the important aspects of back-end development with PHP. Great PHP course in Jaipur, Rajasthan.
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Ajay Kumar

5   240 Reviews
Great learning experience in Jaipur! The PHP course content was very comprehensive and the trainers were very supportive.
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Sanjay Patel

4   180 Reviews
The PHP back-end development course in Jaipur was very informative. The hands-on projects and experienced instructors made it a worthwhile experience.
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Rohit Sharma

5   256 Reviews
I recently completed the Full Stack Web Development with Node.js (MERN Stack) course at Groot Academy, and I couldn't be more satisfied with my experience. The comprehensive curriculum and hands-on projects made learning enjoyable and effective. The instructors are highly knowledgeable, and the career support is excellent. Highly recommended!
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Neha Agarwal

5   220 Reviews
The PHP course in Jaipur offered by Groot Academy is top-notch. The trainers are very knowledgeable and the course content is relevant to the industry. Highly recommend this course for anyone looking to start a career in back-end development.
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Vikram Singh

4   198 Reviews
I had a great experience with the PHP back-end development course in Jaipur. The course material is comprehensive and the instructors are very supportive. Highly recommended!
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Ankita Desai

5   230 Reviews
The PHP course at Groot Academy in Jaipur is amazing. The trainers are very knowledgeable and the hands-on projects helped me understand the concepts better. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to learn PHP back-end development.
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Meera Sharma

4   210 Reviews
Great PHP course in Jaipur. The instructors are very helpful and the course content is up-to-date with the latest industry trends. I feel confident in my skills after completing this course.
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Gaurav Malhotra

5   250 Reviews
The PHP course in Jaipur by Groot Academy is very well-structured and informative. The trainers are experts in their field and provide excellent guidance. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to learn PHP back-end development.
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Deepak Kumar

4   180 Reviews
I had a great learning experience with the PHP back-end development course in Jaipur. The instructors are very knowledgeable and the course content is very relevant to the current industry standards.
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Swati Singh

5   210 Reviews
The PHP course in Jaipur is excellent. The trainers are very experienced and the course content is very comprehensive. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to learn PHP back-end development.
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Amit Gupta

4   190 Reviews
I had a great experience with the PHP back-end development course in Jaipur. The trainers are very knowledgeable and the course content is very comprehensive.
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Priya Mehta

5   200 Reviews
The PHP course in Jaipur is very well-structured and informative. The trainers are experts in their field and provide excellent guidance. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to learn PHP back-end development.
Was this review helpful?

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