Master Go Lang in Jaipur, Rajasthan at Groot Academy

Welcome to Groot Academy, the premier institute for IT and software training in Jaipur. Our comprehensive Go Lang course is designed to equip you with the essential skills needed to excel in programming and software development.

Course Overview:

Are you ready to master Go Lang, a powerful language used by leading tech companies? Join Groot Academy's best Go Lang course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and enhance your programming skills.

  • 2221 Total Students
  • 4.5 (1254 Ratings)
  • 1256 Reviews 5*

Why Choose Our Go Lang Course?

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Dive deep into Go Lang fundamentals, concurrency, web development, and more.
  • Expert Instructors: Learn from industry experts with extensive experience in Go Lang and software development.
  • Hands-On Projects: Apply your knowledge to real-world projects and assignments, gaining practical experience that enhances your problem-solving abilities.
  • Career Support: Access our network of hiring partners and receive guidance to advance your career in software development.

Course Highlights:

  • Introduction to Go Lang: Understand the basics of Go Lang and its advantages in modern software development.
  • Concurrency in Go: Master concurrency patterns and goroutines to build high-performance applications.
  • Web Development with Go: Learn to create robust web applications using Go Lang and related frameworks.
  • Practical Implementation: Implement Go Lang in various real-world scenarios, enhancing your coding skills.
  • Real-World Applications: Explore how Go Lang is used in server-side development, cloud computing, and more.

Why Groot Academy?

  • Modern Learning Environment: State-of-the-art facilities and resources dedicated to your learning experience.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Choose from weekday and weekend batches to fit your schedule.
  • Student-Centric Approach: Small batch sizes ensure personalized attention and effective learning.
  • Affordable Fees: Competitive pricing with installment options available.

Course Duration and Fees:

  • Duration: 6 months (Part-Time)
  • Fees: ₹60,000 (Installment options available)

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Kickstart your journey to mastering Go Lang with Groot Academy. Enroll in the best Go Lang course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and propel your career in software development.

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Overview of Go Lang and its features
30 Minutes
Setting up the Go development environment
45 Minutes
Basic syntax and structure of Go programs
60 Minutes
Understanding data types in Go
30 Minutes
Declaring and initializing variables
45 Minutes
Constants and iota
60 Minutes
Conditional statements (if, else, switch)
30 Minutes
Looping constructs (for loop, range)
45 Minutes
Error handling
60 Minutes
Declaring and calling functions
30 Minutes
Function parameters and return values
45 Minutes
Anonymous functions and closures
60 Minutes
Creating and using packages
30 Minutes
Importing standard library packages
45 Minutes
Managing dependencies with Go modules
60 Minutes
Working with arrays
30 Minutes
Slices and their operations
45 Minutes
Maps and their usage
60 Minutes
Defining and using structs
30 Minutes
Methods and receiver functions
45 Minutes
Interfaces and polymorphism
60 Minutes
Goroutines and their management
30 Minutes
Channels for communication between goroutines
45 Minutes
Select statement and synchronization
60 Minutes
Reading from and writing to files
30 Minutes
Working with directories
45 Minutes
Handling file errors
60 Minutes
Building a simple web server
30 Minutes
Handling HTTP requests and responses
45 Minutes
Routing and middleware
60 Minutes
Writing unit tests
30 Minutes
Test suites and coverage
45 Minutes
Benchmarking and profiling
60 Minutes
Reflection and type assertion
30 Minutes
Working with JSON and XML
45 Minutes
Building and deploying Go applications
60 Minutes
Project planning and requirements gathering
30 Minutes
Implementation and development
45 Minutes
Project presentation and review
60 Minutes



Shivanshi Paliwal

C, C++, DSA, J2SE, J2EE, Spring & Hibernate

Satnam Singh

Software Architect
Q1: What will I learn in Module 1 of this course?

A1: In Module 1, you will learn about the basics of the Go programming language, its history, and its main features. You will also set up your Go development environment and write your first Go program.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 1?

A2: No prior experience is required. This module is designed for beginners and will cover foundational concepts in Go programming.

Q3: How do I install Go on my computer?

A3: You can install Go by downloading the installer from the official Go website and following the installation instructions for your operating system.

Q4: What tools do I need to start programming in Go?

A4: You will need a code editor (such as VS Code), the Go compiler, and a terminal or command prompt to run your programs.

Q5: What is the Go workspace?

A5: The Go workspace is a directory hierarchy where your Go code, dependencies, and binaries are stored. It typically includes the `src`, `pkg`, and `bin` directories.

Q6: How do I write and run a simple Go program?

A6: You write a Go program using a `.go` file extension, and you run it by using the `go run` command followed by the file name in your terminal.

Q7: What are some basic Go syntax rules?

A7: Basic Go syntax rules include using `package main` for executable programs, importing necessary packages, and defining the `main` function as the entry point.

Q8: How do I format Go code?

A8: Go code is formatted using the `gofmt` tool, which automatically formats code according to the Go standards.

Q9: What are some common Go commands I should know?

A9: Common Go commands include `go run` for running programs, `go build` for compiling, `go test` for running tests, and `go get` for managing dependencies.

Q10: Where can I find additional resources to learn Go?

A10: Additional resources include the official Go documentation, online tutorials, forums, and Go community websites.

Q1: What are the basic data types in Go?

A1: Basic data types in Go include integers (int, int8, int16, etc.), floating-point numbers (float32, float64), boolean, string, and more.

Q2: How do you declare a variable in Go?

A2: Variables in Go can be declared using the `var` keyword, or using the short declaration syntax with `:=`.

Q3: What is type inference in Go?

A3: Type inference allows the Go compiler to automatically determine the type of a variable based on its initial value.

Q4: Can you change the type of a variable after it is declared in Go?

A4: No, once a variable is declared with a type, its type cannot be changed.

Q5: What are constants and how are they declared in Go?

A5: Constants are declared using the `const` keyword and cannot be changed once set. They are used for values that do not change.

Q6: What is the zero value in Go?

A6: The zero value is the default value assigned to a variable that is declared but not initialized. For example, 0 for integers, "" for strings, and false for booleans.

Q7: How do you convert between different data types in Go?

A7: Data type conversion is done using type conversion syntax, such as `float64(i)` to convert an integer `i` to a float64.

Q8: What is the scope of a variable in Go?

A8: The scope of a variable in Go is the region of the code where the variable is accessible. It can be block-level, function-level, or package-level.

Q9: How do you define multiple variables in a single declaration in Go?

A9: Multiple variables can be declared in a single line using commas, like `var a, b, c int` or `a, b, c := 1, 2, 3`.

Q10: What are pointers and how are they used in Go?

A10: Pointers hold the memory address of a variable. They are declared using the `*` symbol and accessed using the `&` symbol.

Q1: What control structures are available in Go?

A1: Go offers several control structures including if-else statements, for loops, switch statements, and select statements for concurrency.

Q2: How do you write an if-else statement in Go?

A2: An if-else statement is written using the `if` keyword followed by a condition, with optional `else` and `else if` branches.

Q3: How is a for loop structured in Go?

A3: A for loop in Go is structured with an initialization statement, a condition, and a post statement, all separated by semicolons.

Q4: Can you write a for loop without initialization and post statements in Go?

A4: Yes, a for loop can be written with just the condition, making it behave like a while loop in other languages.

Q5: What is a switch statement and how is it used in Go?

A5: A switch statement in Go is used to select one of many code blocks to execute, based on the value of a variable or expression.

Q6: How do you handle multiple cases in a switch statement?

A6: Multiple cases can be handled by listing them in separate `case` statements within the switch block.

Q7: What is a fallthrough statement in Go?

A7: The `fallthrough` statement in Go is used within a switch case to pass control to the next case, even if the case's condition is not met.

Q8: How do you use the select statement in Go?

A8: The select statement is used with channels to handle multiple channel operations, allowing a Go program to wait on multiple communication operations.

Q9: Can you nest control structures in Go?

A9: Yes, control structures such as if-else, for loops, and switch statements can be nested within each other in Go.

Q10: How do you break out of a loop or switch statement in Go?

A10: You can break out of a loop or switch statement using the `break` keyword. The `continue` keyword can be used to skip the current iteration of a loop.

Q1: What is a function in Go?

A1: A function is a reusable block of code that performs a specific task. Functions in Go are defined using the `func` keyword.

Q2: How do you define a function in Go?

A2: A function is defined using the `func` keyword followed by the function name, parameters (if any), and the function body.

Q3: What are parameters and return values in a function?

A3: Parameters are inputs to a function, and return values are outputs from a function. Both are optional and can be of any data type.

Q4: Can a function return multiple values in Go?

A4: Yes, a function in Go can return multiple values, which are listed in parentheses in the function signature.

Q5: What are named return values in Go?

A5: Named return values are used to predefine the names and types of return values, which can simplify the return statement.

Q6: How do you call a function in Go?

A6: A function is called by using its name followed by parentheses containing any arguments, if required.

Q7: What is a variadic function?

A7: A variadic function can accept a variable number of arguments. It is defined using an ellipsis (`...`) before the parameter type.

Q8: How do you pass a function as an argument to another function?

A8: A function can be passed as an argument by specifying the function signature in the parameter list of the receiving function.

Q9: What is a closure in Go?

A9: A closure is a function value that references variables from outside its body. The function can access and modify these variables.

Q10: How do you handle errors in functions?

A10: Errors are handled by returning an error type as one of the function's return values. The calling function checks for and handles the error.

Q1: What is a package in Go?

A1: A package is a collection of related Go source files. Packages provide code reusability and organization.

Q2: How do you import a package in Go?

A2: A package is imported using the `import` keyword followed by the package path in double quotes.

Q3: What is the difference between an internal and an external package?

A3: Internal packages are part of the Go standard library, while external packages are third-party libraries that you can download and use.

Q4: How do you create a package in Go?

A4: A package is created by placing Go source files in a directory and specifying the package name at the top of each file.

Q5: What is a module in Go?

A5: A module is a collection of related Go packages. It is defined by a `go.mod` file, which tracks dependencies and versions.

Q6: How do you create a module in Go?

A6: A module is created using the `go mod init` command, which initializes a new module and creates the `go.mod` file.

Q7: What is the purpose of the `go.mod` file?

A7: The `go.mod` file specifies the module's name, its dependencies, and their versions. It ensures consistency and reproducibility.

Q8: How do you add dependencies to a Go module?

A8: Dependencies are added by importing them in your code and running `go get` to download and update the `go.mod` file.

Q9: How do you manage module versions in Go?

A9: Module versions are managed using the `go mod` commands to update, tidy, and verify dependencies as specified in the `go.mod` file.

Q10: Can you use multiple modules in a single project?

A10: Yes, you can use multiple modules in a project, each with its own `go.mod` file, allowing for modular and independent development.

Q1: What is an array in Go?

A1: An array is a fixed-size, ordered collection of elements of the same type. It is declared with a specific size and type.

Q2: How do you declare an array in Go?

A2: An array is declared using the syntax `var arr [size]type`, where `size` is the number of elements and `type` is the data type.

Q3: What is a slice in Go?

A3: A slice is a dynamically-sized, flexible view into the elements of an array. It is more powerful and convenient than an array.

Q4: How do you create a slice in Go?

A4: A slice can be created by slicing an array, using the `make` function, or by using a slice literal.

Q5: What is the difference between an array and a slice?

A5: An array has a fixed size and cannot be resized, while a slice is a reference type that can grow and shrink as needed.

Q6: How do you append elements to a slice?

A6: Elements are appended to a slice using the built-in `append` function, which adds new elements and returns the updated slice.

Q7: What is a map in Go?

A7: A map is an unordered collection of key-value pairs, where each key is unique. It is used for fast data retrieval based on keys.

Q8: How do you create a map in Go?

A8: A map is created using the `make` function or a map literal. The syntax is `make(map[keyType]valueType)` or `map[keyType]valueType{}`.

Q9: How do you access and modify map elements?

A9: Map elements are accessed and modified using the syntax `map[key]`, where `key` is the key whose value you want to retrieve or update.

Q10: How do you check if a key exists in a map?

A10: You can check if a key exists in a map by using the value, ok idiom: `value, ok := map[key]`. If `ok` is true, the key exists.

Q1: What is a struct in Go?

A1: A struct is a composite data type that groups together variables under a single name. These variables are called fields.

Q2: How do you define a struct in Go?

A2: A struct is defined using the `type` keyword followed by the struct name and the `struct` keyword, with fields defined within curly braces.

Q3: How do you create an instance of a struct?

A3: An instance of a struct can be created using a struct literal, the `new` keyword, or by declaring a variable of the struct type.

Q4: How do you access and modify struct fields?

A4: Struct fields are accessed and modified using the dot notation: `structInstance.fieldName`.

Q5: What are methods in Go?

A5: Methods are functions with a special receiver argument. They are used to define behavior for structs and other types.

Q6: How do you define a method for a struct?

A6: A method is defined by specifying a receiver argument in the function definition. The receiver can be a value or a pointer to the struct.

Q7: What is the difference between value and pointer receivers?

A7: Value receivers operate on a copy of the original struct, while pointer receivers operate on the actual struct, allowing modification of its fields.

Q8: Can you define methods for non-struct types?

A8: Yes, methods can be defined for any named type, including built-in types, as long as the receiver is specified.

Q9: How do you embed structs in Go?

A9: Struct embedding allows you to include one struct within another, providing a way to extend and reuse fields and methods.

Q10: What is the purpose of struct tags?

A10: Struct tags provide metadata for struct fields, often used for encoding and decoding data in different formats (e.g., JSON).

Q1: What is concurrency in Go?

A1: Concurrency in Go is the ability to run multiple tasks or functions simultaneously, making use of Go's goroutines and channels.

Q2: What is a goroutine?

A2: A goroutine is a lightweight thread managed by the Go runtime. It is created using the `go` keyword followed by a function call.

Q3: How do you create a goroutine?

A3: A goroutine is created by prefixing a function call with the `go` keyword, which runs the function concurrently.

Q4: What is a channel in Go?

A4: A channel is a conduit for sending and receiving values between goroutines. It is created using the `make` function.

Q5: How do you send and receive values through a channel?

A5: Values are sent to a channel using the `chan <-` syntax and received from a channel using the `<- chan` syntax.

Q6: What is a buffered channel?

A6: A buffered channel has a capacity, allowing it to store multiple values before blocking. It is created by passing a buffer size to the `make` function.

Q7: How do you close a channel in Go?

A7: A channel is closed using the `close` function, which signals that no more values will be sent on the channel.

Q8: What is the select statement in Go?

A8: The select statement allows a goroutine to wait on multiple communication operations, executing the case for the first operation that is ready.

Q9: How do you handle timeouts in Go?

A9: Timeouts are handled using the `time.After` function in combination with the select statement to wait for a specified duration.

Q10: What are worker pools in Go?

A10: Worker pools are a concurrency pattern where a fixed number of goroutines (workers) process tasks from a channel, allowing for efficient resource usage.

Q1: How is error handling done in Go?

A1: Error handling in Go is done using the error type. Functions return an error value along with any other return values, and the calling function checks for and handles the error.

Q2: What is the error type in Go?

A2: The error type is an interface that represents an error condition, with a single method `Error` that returns the error message as a string.

Q3: How do you create a custom error in Go?

A3: A custom error is created by defining a type that implements the error interface, providing the `Error` method to return the error message.

Q4: How do you handle panics in Go?

A4: Panics are handled using the `recover` function in a deferred function, allowing the program to regain control after a panic.

Q5: What is the purpose of the defer statement?

A5: The `defer` statement schedules a function to be called after the function completes, often used for cleanup tasks such as closing files.

Q6: How do you use the log package for debugging in Go?

A6: The `log` package provides functions for formatted logging. You can use `log.Print`, `log.Printf`, and `log.Println` to output debug information.

Q7: What tools are available for debugging Go programs?

A7: Tools for debugging Go programs include GDB, Delve, and the built-in `go test` command for testing and profiling.

Q8: How do you use the go test command?

A8: The `go test` command runs unit tests written in Go. Test functions are defined with the `Test` prefix and use the `testing` package.

Q9: How do you profile Go programs?

A9: Go programs can be profiled using the `pprof` tool, which provides detailed performance data to help identify bottlenecks and optimize code.

Q10: What is the go vet tool?

A10: The `go vet` tool analyzes Go source code for common mistakes and potential issues, providing a way to catch bugs early in development.

Q1: What are interfaces in Go?

A1: Interfaces in Go define a set of method signatures that a type must implement. They provide a way to specify the behavior that types must have.

Q2: How do you define an interface in Go?

A2: An interface is defined using the `type` keyword followed by the interface name and the `interface` keyword, with method signatures defined within curly braces.

Q3: How do you implement an interface in Go?

A3: A type implements an interface by providing definitions for all the methods declared in the interface. No explicit declaration is needed.

Q4: What is type assertion in Go?

A4: Type assertion is used to retrieve the dynamic type of an interface. The syntax is `value, ok := interface.(Type)`.

Q5: How do you use type switches in Go?

A5: Type switches are used to perform different actions based on the dynamic type of an interface value. The syntax is similar to a switch statement but uses `type` keyword.

Q6: What are generics in Go?

A6: Generics allow you to write flexible and reusable code by defining functions, types, and data structures that can work with any data type.

Q7: How do you define a generic function in Go?

A7: A generic function is defined using type parameters within square brackets after the function name. These type parameters can then be used within the function.

Q8: What are constraints in Go generics?

A8: Constraints specify the requirements for type parameters in generics. They are defined using interfaces and ensure that the type parameters support specific operations.

Q9: How do you use reflection in Go?

A9: Reflection allows you to inspect and manipulate objects at runtime. It is achieved using the `reflect` package, which provides functions for working with types and values.

Q10: What is unsafe package in Go?

A10: The `unsafe` package provides low-level programming facilities that allow you to bypass Go's type safety. It should be used with caution as it can lead to unsafe and unpredictable behavior.

Priya Sharma

5   300 Reviews
The Go Lang course at Groot Academy is top-notch. The instructors are knowledgeable and the curriculum is comprehensive. The hands-on projects were especially helpful in solidifying my understanding.
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Aman Verma

5   287 Reviews
Groot Academy's Go Lang course was fantastic! The teaching methodology is excellent, and the real-world projects prepared me well for the industry.
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Nisha Gupta

5   276 Reviews
The Go Lang course at Groot Academy is well-structured and thorough. The instructors were always available to help, and the practical sessions were invaluable.
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Rohit Kumar

5   265 Reviews
I highly recommend Groot Academy for learning Go Lang. The course content is extensive, and the support from the instructors is unparalleled.
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Sneha Patel

5   258 Reviews
Taking the Go Lang course at Groot Academy was a great decision. The practical approach and knowledgeable instructors made learning enjoyable and effective.
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Karan Singh

5   252 Reviews
The Go Lang course at Groot Academy exceeded my expectations. The curriculum covers all the important aspects, and the instructors are very supportive.
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Megha Rathi

5   248 Reviews
I had an excellent experience with Groot Academy's Go Lang course. The hands-on projects and comprehensive curriculum made learning Go Lang easy and enjoyable.
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Vikas Sharma

5   242 Reviews
Groot Academy's Go Lang course is outstanding. The instructors are experienced, and the practical approach to learning helped me grasp complex concepts easily.
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Pooja Jain

5   236 Reviews
The Go Lang course at Groot Academy is well-organized and thorough. The practical sessions and project work were incredibly beneficial for my learning.
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Rajesh Yadav

5   230 Reviews
I highly recommend Groot Academy for learning Go Lang. The course content is extensive, and the support from the instructors is unparalleled.
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Swati Agarwal

5   224 Reviews
Taking the Go Lang course at Groot Academy was a great decision. The practical approach and knowledgeable instructors made learning enjoyable and effective.
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Amit Tiwari

5   218 Reviews
The Go Lang course at Groot Academy exceeded my expectations. The curriculum covers all the important aspects, and the instructors are very supportive.
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Neha Singh

5   210 Reviews
I had an excellent experience with Groot Academy's Go Lang course. The hands-on projects and comprehensive curriculum made learning Go Lang easy and enjoyable.
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Manish Kapoor

5   205 Reviews
The Go Lang course at Groot Academy is well-structured and thorough. The instructors were always available to help, and the practical sessions were invaluable.
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Alok Sharma

5   200 Reviews
Groot Academy's Go Lang course was fantastic! The teaching methodology is excellent, and the real-world projects prepared me well for the industry.
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