Master Machine Learning with Python at Groot Academy, Jaipur

Welcome to Groot Academy, Jaipur's premier institute for IT and software training. We are proud to offer the best Machine Learning Course using Python in Jaipur, Rajasthan. Whether you are a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, our comprehensive course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to excel in the field of machine learning.

Course Overview:

Are you ready to become a proficient machine learning practitioner with expertise in Python? Join Groot Academy's best Machine Learning course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and transform your career in the tech industry.

  • 2221 Total Students
  • 4.5 (1254 Rating)
  • 1256 Reviews 5*

Why Choose Our Machine Learning Course?

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Our course covers everything from basic to advanced machine learning concepts, including data preprocessing, supervised and unsupervised learning, and model evaluation.
  • Expert Instructors: Learn from industry experts with years of experience in machine learning and data science.
  • Hands-On Projects: Gain practical experience by working on real-world projects and assignments. assignments.
  • Career Support: Get access to our extensive network of hiring partners and receive career guidance and placement assistance.

Course Highlights

  • Introduction to Machine Learning:: Understand the basics of machine learning and the role of Python in it..
  • Data Preprocessing: Learn techniques for data cleaning, normalization, and transformation.
  • Supervised Learning: Master algorithms such as linear regression, logistic regression, and support vector machines.
  • Model Evaluation : Learn how to evaluate model performance using various metrics.
  • Deployment: Deploy your machine learning models on cloud platforms like AWS and Heroku.

Why Choose Our Course:

  • Expert Instruction: Our experienced instructors bring real-world knowledge and industry insights to the classroom, guiding you through each concept with clarity and depth.
  • Hands-On Projects: Put theory into practice with hands-on projects that simulate real-world scenarios. Develop a strong portfolio that showcases your coding prowess.
  • Personalized Learning: We understand that each learner's pace is unique. Our course is designed to accommodate different learning styles and speeds, ensuring you grasp concepts thoroughly.
  • Career Relevance: The skills acquired in this course are highly transferable and applicable across various programming domains. Whether you're interested in software development, game design, or application programming, C and C++ form a solid foundation.

Who Should Enroll?

  • Aspiring data scientists
  • Software engineers seeking to upskill
  • Analysts aiming to enhance their data analysis capabilities
  • Entrepreneurs planning to implement machine learning in their projects

Why Groot Academy?

  • Modern Learning Environment: State-of-the-art facilities and resources.
  • Flexible Learning Options:Weekday and weekend batches available.
  • Student-Centric Approach: Small batch sizes for personalized attention.
  • Affordable Fees:Competitive pricing with various payment options..

Course Duration and Fees

  • Duration: 6 months (Part-Time)
  • Fees: ₹60,000 (Installment options available)

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Overview of Machine Learning principles
30 Minutes
Introduction to Python programming for ML
45 Minutes
Setting up the Python environment (installation, pip, etc.)
60 Minutes
Basic Python programming concepts
45 Minutes
Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
60 Minutes
Understanding Data Collection and Cleaning
45 Minutes
Introduction to NumPy and Pandas
60 Minutes
Introduction to JavaScript (ES6+ features, DOM manipulation)
90 Minutes
Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn
60 Minutes
Introduction to Express.js framework
45 Minutes
Exploratory Data Analysis
60 Minutes
Linear Regression
90 Minutes
Logistic Regression
120 Minutes
Decision Trees and Random Forests
90 Minutes
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
60 Minutes
Introduction to Unsupervised Learning
90 Minutes
Clustering Techniques: K-Means and Hierarchical Clustering
120 Minutes
Dimensionality Reduction: PCA and t-SNE
90 Minutes
Association Rule Learning
60 Minutes
Anomaly Detection
60 Minutes
Introduction to Neural Networks and Deep Learning
120 Minutes
Building Neural Networks with Keras and TensorFlow
90 Minutes
Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python
90 Minutes
Time Series Analysis
60 Minutes
Model Deployment and Serving
60 Minutes
Selecting a Capstone Project
180 Minutes
Data Collection and Preparation for the Project
120 Minutes
Building and Training Machine Learning Models
240 Minutes
Model Optimization and Tuning (e.g., payment gateways, APIs)
120 Minutes
Project Presentation and Documentation
180 Minutes
Setting Up a CI/CD Pipeline for ML Models
180 Minutes
Monitoring and Maintaining ML Models in Production
120 Minutes
Preparing a Portfolio of ML Projects
120 Minutes
Tips for Effective Project Presentation
150 Minutes
Mock Presentation Sessions
90 Minutes



Shivanshi Paliwal

C, C++, DSA, J2SE, J2EE, Spring & Hibernate

Satnam Singh

Software Architect
Q1: What will I learn in Module 1 of this course?

A1: In Module 1, you will learn the fundamentals of machine learning and Python programming. Topics include basic Python syntax, data structures, and an overview of machine learning concepts and workflows.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 1?

A2: No prior experience is required. This module is designed for beginners and will cover the essentials needed to get started with machine learning and Python.

Q3: What Python libraries will I be introduced to in this module?

A3: You will be introduced to libraries such as NumPy, pandas, and matplotlib, which are essential for data manipulation and visualization in machine learning.

Q4: How will this module help me in the subsequent modules?

A4: Module 1 provides the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to understand and apply machine learning algorithms and techniques covered in later modules.

Q5: Are there any hands-on projects in this module?

A5: Yes, this module includes hands-on exercises and projects to help you apply what you’ve learned and gain practical experience with Python and machine learning concepts.

Q6: What are the key concepts covered in this module?

A6: Key concepts include basic Python programming, an introduction to machine learning, data types and structures, and an overview of key machine learning tasks.

Q7: How long is Module 1?

A7: The duration of Module 1 may vary, but it is typically designed to be completed in a few weeks, depending on the pace of study.

Q8: Will I need any additional resources or tools for this module?

A8: You will need a computer with Python installed, as well as access to a code editor or IDE. Additional resources, such as online tutorials or documentation, may be recommended.

Q9: Can I interact with instructors or peers during this module?

A9: Yes, there will be opportunities for interaction through discussion forums, Q&A sessions, and possibly live classes or office hours.

Q10: What should I do if I have trouble understanding the material?

A10: If you encounter difficulties, you can seek help from course forums, reach out to instructors, or review supplementary resources provided in the course.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 2?

A1: In Module 2, you will learn techniques for data preprocessing and exploration, including data cleaning, feature selection, and exploratory data analysis (EDA).

Q2: Why is data preprocessing important?

A2: Data preprocessing is crucial because it ensures that the data is clean, relevant, and in the right format for analysis, which directly affects the performance of machine learning models.

Q3: What tools or libraries will be used in this module?

A3: You will primarily use libraries such as pandas and scikit-learn for data preprocessing and exploration.

Q4: Will I work with real-world datasets?

A4: Yes, this module often involves working with real-world datasets to give you practical experience in data preprocessing and exploration.

Q5: How does exploratory data analysis (EDA) help in machine learning?

A5: EDA helps in understanding the characteristics of the data, detecting patterns, and identifying potential issues or anomalies before applying machine learning algorithms.

Q6: Are there any specific techniques for handling categorical data?

A6: Yes, techniques such as one-hot encoding and label encoding are used to convert categorical data into a numerical format suitable for machine learning models.

Q7: What are some common challenges in data preprocessing?

A7: Common challenges include dealing with missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies in the data.

Q8: How does missing data affect the performance of machine learning models?

A8: Missing data can lead to inaccurate predictions, model bias, and reduced performance if not handled correctly.

Q9: How long is Module 2?

A9: The duration can vary, but typically it should take a few weeks to complete, depending on the depth of the material and your pace of study.

Q10: What if I need more support with the content?

A10: You can utilize course forums, seek assistance from instructors, or consult additional resources such as online tutorials or textbooks.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 3?

A1: In Module 3, you will learn various techniques for handling missing data, including imputation methods, data interpolation, and strategies for dealing with incomplete datasets.

Q2: Why is handling missing data important in machine learning?

A2: Handling missing data is important because missing values can lead to biased models and inaccurate predictions if not properly addressed.

Q3: What methods are used for imputing missing data?

A3: Common methods include mean/mode/median imputation, k-nearest neighbors imputation, and using predictive models.

Q4: How do I decide which imputation method to use?

A4: The choice of imputation method depends on the nature of the data and the extent of missing values. Each method has its advantages and limitations.

Q5: Are there any tools or libraries for handling missing data in Python?

A5: Yes, libraries such as pandas and scikit-learn provide functions for handling and imputing missing data.

Q6: What is the impact of not handling missing data?

A6: Not handling missing data can result in model inaccuracies, skewed results, and reduced model performance.

Q7: How can I visualize missing data?

A7: Visualization techniques such as heatmaps or bar plots can help identify patterns and the extent of missing data in your dataset.

Q8: What are the differences between different imputation techniques?

A8: Different techniques vary in their approach to estimating missing values, with some methods providing more sophisticated imputation based on other features in the dataset.

Q9: How long is Module 3?

A9: Module 3 usually takes a few weeks to complete, depending on the complexity of the material and your pace of learning.

Q10: What if I need more help with handling missing data?

A10: You can ask for help through course forums, consult with instructors, or refer to additional resources and tutorials.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 4?

A1: In Module 4, you will learn about supervised learning algorithms, including regression techniques, classification methods, and model evaluation metrics.

Q2: What are some examples of supervised learning algorithms?

A2: Examples include linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, support vector machines, and k-nearest neighbors.

Q3: How do supervised learning algorithms differ from unsupervised learning?

A3: Supervised learning algorithms use labeled data to train models and make predictions, whereas unsupervised learning algorithms work with unlabeled data to identify patterns or structures.

Q4: What is model evaluation, and why is it important?

A4: Model evaluation assesses the performance of a model using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. It is important for determining how well the model performs and for making improvements.

Q5: Will there be hands-on projects in this module?

A5: Yes, there will be hands-on projects and exercises to apply supervised learning algorithms to real-world problems.

Q6: What tools or libraries will be used for implementing supervised learning algorithms?

A6: You will use libraries such as scikit-learn, pandas, and NumPy for implementing and evaluating supervised learning algorithms.

Q7: How do I choose the right algorithm for a given problem?

A7: The choice of algorithm depends on factors such as the nature of the data, the problem type (regression or classification), and the performance metrics you aim to optimize.

Q8: What are some common challenges with supervised learning?

A8: Challenges include overfitting, underfitting, and ensuring that the model generalizes well to new, unseen data.

Q9: How long is Module 4?

A9: Module 4 typically takes a few weeks to complete, depending on the depth of the content and your study pace.

Q10: What if I need additional support with supervised learning algorithms?

A10: Seek assistance through course forums, consult with instructors, or explore additional resources and tutorials for further help.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 5?

A1: In Module 5, you will learn about unsupervised learning algorithms, including clustering techniques, dimensionality reduction, and anomaly detection.

Q2: What are some common unsupervised learning algorithms?

A2: Common algorithms include k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, principal component analysis (PCA), and anomaly detection methods.

Q3: How do unsupervised learning algorithms work?

A3: Unsupervised learning algorithms work by finding patterns or structures in data without the need for labeled responses. They group similar data points or reduce data dimensions.

Q4: What is clustering, and why is it important?

A4: Clustering is the process of grouping similar data points together. It is important for discovering hidden patterns and relationships within the data.

Q5: Are there hands-on projects or exercises in this module?

A5: Yes, the module includes hands-on projects and exercises to help you apply unsupervised learning techniques to real-world datasets.

Q6: What tools or libraries will be used for unsupervised learning?

A6: Libraries such as scikit-learn, pandas, and seaborn will be used for implementing unsupervised learning algorithms.

Q7: How do I interpret the results from unsupervised learning algorithms?

A7: Interpretation involves understanding clusters, principal components, or anomalies in the context of the data and the problem at hand.

Q8: What are some challenges associated with unsupervised learning?

A8: Challenges include determining the number of clusters or components and interpreting results without predefined labels.

Q9: How long will it take to complete Module 5?

A9: The module is typically designed to be completed in a few weeks, depending on the complexity of the material and your study pace.

Q10: What if I need additional support with unsupervised learning algorithms?

A10: Utilize course forums, ask instructors for help, or consult additional resources and tutorials to deepen your understanding.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 6?

A1: Module 6 covers advanced topics in machine learning, including deep learning, neural networks, and model optimization techniques.

Q2: What is deep learning, and how does it differ from traditional machine learning?

A2: Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses neural networks with multiple layers to model complex patterns in data. It differs from traditional machine learning in its ability to learn hierarchical representations of data.

Q3: What are neural networks, and how are they used in machine learning?

A3: Neural networks are computational models inspired by the human brain, consisting of interconnected nodes (neurons). They are used for tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and more.

Q4: What is model optimization, and why is it important?

A4: Model optimization involves tuning hyperparameters and improving model performance to achieve the best results. It is important for enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of machine learning models.

Q5: Are there any hands-on projects in this module?

A5: Yes, there will be hands-on projects to apply advanced machine learning techniques and algorithms.

Q6: What tools or libraries will be used for advanced topics?

A6: Libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras, and PyTorch will be used for implementing advanced machine learning techniques.

Q7: How do I choose the right deep learning architecture for a problem?

A7: Choosing the right architecture involves understanding the problem domain, data characteristics, and experimenting with different network architectures and hyperparameters.

Q8: What are some challenges with deep learning?

A8: Challenges include the need for large datasets, high computational resources, and tuning complex models.

Q9: How long is Module 6?

A9: Module 6 typically spans several weeks, depending on the depth of the topics and the pace of study.

Q10: What if I need more help with advanced topics in machine learning?

A10: Seek support through course forums, consult with instructors, or use additional resources and tutorials for further assistance.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 7?

A1: Module 7 focuses on developing real-world machine learning projects, including project planning, implementation, and evaluation.

Q2: How do I choose a project for this module?

A2: Choose a project that aligns with your interests, leverages the skills learned in previous modules, and provides a meaningful challenge.

Q3: Will I work individually or in a group?

A3: Project work may vary; you might work individually or in a group, depending on the course structure and project requirements.

Q4: What are the key stages of project development covered in this module?

A4: Key stages include defining the problem, collecting and preprocessing data, selecting and training models, and evaluating results.

Q5: How will my project be evaluated?

A5: Projects are typically evaluated based on factors such as problem-solving approach, model performance, documentation, and presentation.

Q6: Are there any specific tools or technologies required for the project?

A6: Tools may include programming languages (Python), machine learning libraries, and project management tools. Specific requirements will be provided at the start of the module.

Q7: Will there be guidance or support available during the project?

A7: Yes, you will have access to support from instructors, mentors, and possibly peer reviews throughout the project development process.

Q8: How do I present my project?

A8: Project presentation typically involves preparing a report or presentation that summarizes your approach, methodology, results, and conclusions.

Q9: How long is Module 7?

A9: Module 7 generally takes several weeks to complete, depending on the project scope and individual or group progress.

Q10: What if I need additional help with my project?

A10: You can seek additional help through course forums, consult with instructors or mentors, and use additional resources as needed.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 8?

A1: Module 8 introduces continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices for machine learning projects, including automated testing, deployment pipelines, and version control.

Q2: What is CI/CD, and why is it important for machine learning?

A2: CI/CD refers to practices that automate the integration and deployment of code changes. It is important for machine learning as it helps streamline development, ensure code quality, and deploy models efficiently.

Q3: What tools and technologies will be covered in this module?

A3: Tools may include version control systems (e.g., Git), CI/CD platforms (e.g., Jenkins, GitHub Actions), and automated testing frameworks.

Q4: How will CI/CD practices improve my machine learning projects?

A4: CI/CD practices help improve the reliability, scalability, and efficiency of machine learning projects by automating workflows, reducing manual errors, and enabling faster deployment.

Q5: Will there be practical exercises or projects in this module?

A5: Yes, you will engage in practical exercises and projects to apply CI/CD practices to real-world machine learning scenarios.

Q6: What are some common challenges with implementing CI/CD for machine learning?

A6: Challenges include managing dependencies, integrating with different tools, and ensuring smooth deployment of machine learning models.

Q7: How do I set up a CI/CD pipeline for my machine learning project?

A7: Setting up a CI/CD pipeline involves configuring automated testing, build processes, and deployment workflows using CI/CD tools and platforms.

Q8: How long is Module 8?

A8: Module 8 generally spans a few weeks, depending on the depth of the content and your learning pace.

Q9: What if I need additional help with CI/CD practices?

A9: Seek assistance through course forums, consult with instructors, or explore additional resources and tutorials for further support.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 9?

A1: Module 9 covers the ethical considerations and best practices in machine learning, including fairness, transparency, and responsible AI development.

Q2: Why is ethics important in machine learning?

A2: Ethics is crucial in machine learning to ensure that models are fair, unbiased, and transparent, and to avoid negative impacts on individuals or society.

Q3: What are some best practices for responsible AI development?

A3: Best practices include ensuring data privacy, avoiding biased data, conducting fairness audits, and promoting transparency in model decisions.

Q4: How can I ensure fairness in machine learning models?

A4: Ensuring fairness involves assessing and mitigating biases in data and algorithms, and employing techniques to promote equitable outcomes across different groups.

Q5: Are there any case studies or real-world examples in this module?

A5: Yes, the module includes case studies and examples to illustrate ethical issues and best practices in machine learning.

Q6: How will this module help me in my career?

A6: Understanding ethics and best practices will help you develop responsible AI solutions and enhance your professional reputation in the field of machine learning.

Q7: What are some common ethical challenges in machine learning?

A7: Common challenges include dealing with biased data, ensuring privacy, and addressing the societal impacts of automated decisions.

Q8: How long is Module 9?

A8: Module 9 typically spans a few weeks, depending on the depth of the topics and your pace of study.

Q9: What if I need more help with ethics and best practices in machine learning?

A9: You can seek additional help through course forums, consult with instructors, or use extra resources and tutorials for further learning.

Q1: What is the Capstone Project?

A1: The Capstone Project is a comprehensive project that brings together the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the course. It involves identifying a problem, developing a solution, and presenting your findings.

Q2: How do I choose a topic for the Capstone Project?

A2: Choose a topic that aligns with your interests, addresses a real-world problem, and allows you to apply various machine learning techniques learned in the course.

Q3: Will there be guidance available for the Capstone Project?

A3: Yes, you will receive guidance from instructors and mentors throughout the project, including feedback and support as needed.

Q4: What are the key stages of the Capstone Project?

A4: Key stages include project planning, data collection, model development, evaluation, and presentation of results.

Q5: How will the Capstone Project be evaluated?

A5: Evaluation criteria typically include the problem-solving approach, model performance, documentation, and the quality of the presentation.

Q6: What tools and technologies will be used for the Capstone Project?

A6: You will use the tools and technologies covered in previous modules, including programming languages, machine learning libraries, and visualization tools.

Q7: How long is the Capstone Project?

A7: The Capstone Project typically spans several weeks, allowing time for in-depth work and refinement.

Q8: What if I need additional support with my Capstone Project?

A8: You can seek additional support through course forums, consult with instructors and mentors, or use extra resources as needed.

Amit Sharma

5   212 Reviews
The Machine Learning course at Groot Academy is exceptional. The hands-on projects and expert instructors made complex concepts easy to understand. Highly recommended!
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Neha Patel

5   198 Reviews
Groot Academy's Machine Learning course using Python was a game-changer for me. The practical exercises and real-world applications enhanced my learning experience significantly.
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Ravi Kumar

5   223 Reviews
The quality of education at Groot Academy is top-notch. The instructors are knowledgeable, and the course materials are well-organized, making the learning process smooth and effective.
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Pooja Agarwal

5   245 Reviews
I found the Machine Learning course at Groot Academy incredibly beneficial. The blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application helped me gain a deep understanding of machine learning concepts.
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Sanjay Mehta

5   204 Reviews
Groot Academy’s Machine Learning course is fantastic! The hands-on projects and case studies were particularly useful in reinforcing the concepts. The support from the instructors was excellent.
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Priya Singh

5   210 Reviews
The course structure and content were superb. Groot Academy provided all the tools and resources needed to excel in Machine Learning with Python. The learning experience was both engaging and educational.
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Vikram Yadav

5   230 Reviews
I thoroughly enjoyed the Machine Learning course at Groot Academy. The practical approach and interactive sessions made complex topics easy to grasp. The instructors were very supportive.
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Aarti Sharma

5   225 Reviews
Groot Academy's course on Machine Learning with Python is one of the best. The curriculum is well-designed, and the real-world projects are highly effective in applying what you've learned.
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Rakesh Reddy

5   215 Reviews
The Machine Learning course at Groot Academy exceeded my expectations. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience prepared me well for real-world applications.
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Sonia Jain

5   232 Reviews
Groot Academy offers an excellent Machine Learning course. The instructors are very knowledgeable, and the course material is comprehensive. I gained valuable insights into machine learning techniques.
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Anil Kapoor

5   220 Reviews
The Machine Learning course using Python at Groot Academy is outstanding. The detailed lectures and hands-on projects helped me understand and apply machine learning algorithms effectively.
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Shikha Verma

5   208 Reviews
I had a great experience with Groot Academy's Machine Learning course. The practical approach to learning and the supportive instructors made the course highly valuable.
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Karan Patel

5   240 Reviews
The Machine Learning course at Groot Academy is well-structured and informative. The real-world applications and practical exercises provided a solid understanding of machine learning principles.
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Sneha Joshi

5   250 Reviews
Groot Academy's course on Machine Learning with Python was exceptional. The hands-on projects were very insightful, and the instructors provided excellent guidance throughout the course.
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Nitin Sinha

5   226 Reviews
The Machine Learning course at Groot Academy was thorough and well-organized. The combination of theory and practical work helped me grasp machine learning concepts efficiently.
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Ruchi Arora

5   213 Reviews
Groot Academy’s Machine Learning course using Python is fantastic. The course content is relevant and up-to-date, and the practical approach ensured I gained practical skills.
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