Best Advanced JavaScript Course in Jaipur, Rajasthan at Groot Academy

Welcome to Groot Academy, Jaipur’s premier institute for IT and software training. Our Advanced JavaScript course is meticulously designed to provide you with the advanced skills needed to excel in modern web development.

Course Overview:

Ready to elevate your JavaScript skills to the next level? Join Groot Academy's best Advanced JavaScript course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and gain the expertise required to build sophisticated web applications and enhance your career in tech.

  • 2221 Total Students
  • 4.5 (1254 Rating)
  • 1256 Reviews 5*

Why Choose Our Advanced JavaScript Course?

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Explore advanced JavaScript concepts, including closures, asynchronous programming, advanced functions, and modern ES6+ features.
  • Expert Instructors: Learn from seasoned industry professionals with extensive experience in JavaScript and web development. Our instructors provide real-world knowledge and guidance.
  • Hands-On Projects: Apply your skills through practical projects and assignments that simulate real-world scenarios, enhancing your coding proficiency.
  • Career Support: Benefit from our strong network of industry partners and receive personalized career guidance to advance in your web development career.

Course Highlights:

  • Introduction to Advanced JavaScript: Delve into complex JavaScript concepts and understand their applications in modern web development.
  • Advanced Functions and Closures: Master advanced function techniques, closures, and their use in creating more efficient and modular code.
  • Asynchronous JavaScript: Gain expertise in asynchronous programming with callbacks, promises, and async/await for handling complex data flows.
  • Modern JavaScript Features: Learn the latest ES6+ features and how to leverage them to write clean, efficient, and modern JavaScript code.
  • Real-World Applications: Discover how advanced JavaScript concepts are utilized in building scalable web applications, frameworks, and libraries.

Why Groot Academy?

  • Modern Learning Environment: Benefit from our state-of-the-art facilities and resources designed to enhance your learning experience.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Choose from weekday and weekend batches to accommodate your schedule and learning needs.
  • Student-Centric Approach: Enjoy small batch sizes that ensure personalized attention and a more effective learning environment.
  • Affordable Fees: Take advantage of our competitive pricing and flexible installment options.

Course Duration and Fees:

  • Duration: 6 months (Part-Time)
  • Fees: ₹60,000 (Installment options available)

Enroll Now

Elevate your JavaScript skills with Groot Academy. Enroll in the best Advanced JavaScript course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and take a significant step toward advancing your career in web development.

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Deep Dive into JavaScript Syntax and Semantics
45 Minutes
Understanding Closures and Scope
60 Minutes
Prototypes and Inheritance
75 Minutes
Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await
50 Minutes
Error Handling in Asynchronous Code
55 Minutes
Event Loop and Concurrency Model
65 Minutes
Singleton, Factory, and Module Patterns
60 Minutes
Observer and MVC Patterns
70 Minutes
Implementing Design Patterns in JavaScript
80 Minutes
Advanced Features of React.js
65 Minutes
Vue.js and Its Advanced Concepts
70 Minutes
State Management with Redux or Vuex
75 Minutes
60 Minutes
GraphQL and Its Integration
70 Minutes
Error Handling and Data Transformation
65 Minutes
Code Splitting and Lazy Loading
55 Minutes
Memory Management and Profiling
60 Minutes
Best Practices for Performance Tuning
70 Minutes
Securing JavaScript Code
50 Minutes
Handling Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
60 Minutes
Implementing Secure Authentication and Authorization
65 Minutes
Unit Testing with Jest or Mocha
60 Minutes
Debugging Techniques and Tools
70 Minutes
End-to-End Testing with Cypress or Puppeteer
75 Minutes
Module Bundlers and Build Tools (Webpack, Babel)
65 Minutes
Package Management with npm and Yarn
60 Minutes
Emerging Trends and Future of JavaScript
70 Minutes
Building a Comprehensive Project Using Advanced JavaScript Concepts
120 Minutes
Analyzing and Presenting Case Studies
90 Minutes
Industry Trends and Real-World Applications
75 Minutes



Shivanshi Paliwal

C, C++, DSA, J2SE, J2EE, Spring & Hibernate

Satnam Singh

Software Architect
Q1: What will I learn in Module 1 of this course?

A1: In Module 1, you will delve into advanced JavaScript concepts such as closures, prototypal inheritance, and the event loop. You will also explore ES6+ features like arrow functions, destructuring, and modules.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 1?

A2: It is recommended to have a basic understanding of JavaScript. This module builds on foundational knowledge, so familiarity with core JavaScript concepts will be beneficial.

Q3: Will this module cover JavaScript frameworks?

A3: No, Module 1 focuses on core JavaScript concepts and does not cover frameworks. Frameworks are addressed in later modules.

Q4: What resources will be used for learning in this module?

A4: The module will use a combination of lectures, coding exercises, and online resources to reinforce concepts.

Q5: How will I be assessed in this module?

A5: Assessments will include quizzes, coding exercises, and a project that demonstrates your understanding of advanced JavaScript concepts.

Q6: Are there any prerequisites for Module 1?

A6: Basic JavaScript knowledge is recommended. Familiarity with HTML and CSS is also helpful but not required.

Q7: How much time should I expect to spend on this module?

A7: You should allocate approximately 4-6 weeks for this module, depending on your pace and prior knowledge.

Q8: Will there be any practical projects in this module?

A8: Yes, there will be practical coding exercises and a project that requires applying advanced JavaScript concepts.

Q9: Can I take this module if I am new to programming?

A9: This module may be challenging for complete beginners. It is advisable to have some programming experience before enrolling.

Q10: What is the expected outcome of completing this module?

A10: By the end of this module, you should have a deep understanding of advanced JavaScript features and be able to apply them effectively in your coding projects.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 2 of this course?

A1: Module 2 covers asynchronous programming in JavaScript, including callbacks, promises, and async/await. You'll learn how to handle asynchronous operations and manage concurrency.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 2?

A2: Basic JavaScript knowledge is required, including an understanding of functions and objects. Familiarity with synchronous code is also helpful.

Q3: Will this module cover how to handle errors in asynchronous code?

A3: Yes, error handling in asynchronous operations using try/catch and promise rejection will be covered.

Q4: What practical skills will I gain from this module?

A4: You will learn to work with asynchronous JavaScript patterns, handle errors, and manage asynchronous data flow effectively.

Q5: How will this module be assessed?

A5: Assessments will include coding exercises, quizzes, and a project focusing on handling asynchronous operations.

Q6: Are there any tools or libraries used in this module?

A6: While the module focuses on core JavaScript, you may use libraries like Axios for making HTTP requests to practice asynchronous operations.

Q7: How long should I expect to spend on this module?

A7: You should allocate about 3-5 weeks, depending on your familiarity with asynchronous programming concepts.

Q8: Will there be hands-on projects in this module?

A8: Yes, there will be coding exercises and a project involving asynchronous data handling and API calls.

Q9: Can I ask for help if I have difficulties with the concepts?

A9: Yes, support will be available through discussion forums, peer groups, and instructor feedback.

Q10: What will be the final outcome of this module?

A10: By the end of this module, you should be proficient in managing asynchronous operations in JavaScript and understand how to use various asynchronous patterns.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 3 of this course?

A1: Module 3 introduces design patterns used in JavaScript, such as Singleton, Factory, Module, and Observer patterns. You will learn how to apply these patterns to solve common software design problems.

Q2: Do I need prior knowledge to understand design patterns?

A2: Basic understanding of JavaScript is required. Familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts will be helpful.

Q3: Will this module cover practical examples of design patterns?

A3: Yes, the module includes practical examples and coding exercises to demonstrate how each design pattern can be applied.

Q4: How will design patterns be applied in this module?

A4: You will work on projects and coding exercises that implement various design patterns to solve real-world problems.

Q5: What resources will be used to teach design patterns?

A5: Resources will include lectures, coding examples, and case studies showcasing the use of different design patterns.

Q6: How long should I expect to spend on this module?

A6: Expect to spend around 4 weeks to cover the design patterns in detail and complete related exercises and projects.

Q7: Will there be any assessments for this module?

A7: Assessments will include quizzes on design patterns, coding exercises, and a project that applies design patterns effectively.

Q8: Can I use the design patterns in my own projects?

A8: Yes, applying design patterns to your own projects is encouraged and will be part of the practical exercises.

Q9: Are there any prerequisites for this module?

A9: Basic JavaScript knowledge is required. An understanding of object-oriented programming principles is also beneficial.

Q10: What is the expected outcome of this module?

A10: By the end of this module, you will be able to recognize and implement common JavaScript design patterns to improve code structure and maintainability.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 4 of this course?

A1: Module 4 covers popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries such as React, Angular, and Vue.js. You will learn how to use these tools to build modern web applications.

Q2: Do I need prior experience with any frameworks or libraries?

A2: No prior experience is required. This module will introduce you to frameworks and libraries and their practical applications.

Q3: Will this module include hands-on projects?

A3: Yes, you will work on projects using different frameworks and libraries to build and enhance web applications.

Q4: What frameworks and libraries will be covered?

A4: The module will cover React, Angular, and Vue.js, along with their core concepts and features.

Q5: How will the framework and library usage be assessed?

A5: Assessments will include coding exercises, quizzes, and a project that involves using frameworks and libraries to create a functional web application.

Q6: How long should I spend on this module?

A6: Approximately 4-6 weeks, depending on your pace and familiarity with frameworks and libraries.

Q7: Will this module cover best practices for using frameworks?

A7: Yes, best practices for using and integrating frameworks and libraries effectively will be discussed.

Q8: Can I choose which framework or library to focus on?

A8: The module will provide a structured approach to learning each framework and library, but you may choose to focus on one for your project.

Q9: Are there any prerequisites for this module?

A9: Basic JavaScript knowledge is required. Familiarity with HTML and CSS will also be beneficial.

Q10: What will be the outcome of this module?

A10: By the end of this module, you will have practical experience with popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries and be able to build modern web applications.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 5 of this course?

A1: Module 5 focuses on working with APIs using JavaScript. You'll learn how to make API requests, handle responses, and integrate external services into your applications.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience with APIs?

A2: Basic JavaScript knowledge is required. Familiarity with HTTP methods and JSON will be helpful but is not mandatory.

Q3: Will this module include hands-on projects?

A3: Yes, the module includes practical exercises and a project that involves integrating APIs into a web application.

Q4: What types of APIs will be covered?

A4: The module will cover RESTful APIs and may also touch on GraphQL APIs and WebSockets.

Q5: How will API handling be assessed?

A5: Assessments will include coding exercises, quizzes, and a project focused on API integration and management.

Q6: How long should I spend on this module?

A6: Approximately 3-5 weeks, depending on your pace and familiarity with HTTP and API concepts.

Q7: Are there any assessments for this module?

A7: Assessments will include coding exercises, quizzes, and a project that involves integrating APIs into a web application.

Q8: Will this module include working with authentication?

A8: Yes, the module will cover API authentication methods such as API keys and OAuth.

Q9: Can I use my own APIs for the projects?

A9: Yes, you can use your own APIs for practice, though sample APIs will also be provided.

Q10: What is the expected outcome of this module?

A10: By the end of this module, you will be proficient in making API requests, handling responses, and integrating external services into your JavaScript applications.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 6 of this course?

A1: Module 6 focuses on techniques to optimize JavaScript performance, including code splitting, lazy loading, and performance profiling.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience in performance optimization?

A2: No prior experience is needed. The module will cover performance concepts and techniques from the ground up.

Q3: Will this module include practical optimization techniques?

A3: Yes, you will learn practical techniques for optimizing JavaScript code and improving application performance through hands-on exercises.

Q4: What tools will be used for performance profiling?

A4: Tools such as Chrome DevTools, Lighthouse, and other performance profiling tools will be used to analyze and optimize code.

Q5: How will performance optimization be assessed?

A5: Assessments will include coding exercises, quizzes, and a project that demonstrates the application of optimization techniques.

Q6: How long should I spend on this module?

A6: Expect to spend about 3-4 weeks to cover performance optimization techniques and complete related exercises.

Q7: Will there be any hands-on projects?

A7: Yes, practical projects will be included to apply optimization techniques and evaluate performance improvements.

Q8: Can performance optimization techniques be applied to any project?

A8: Yes, the techniques learned can be applied to any JavaScript project to improve performance.

Q9: Are there any prerequisites for this module?

A9: Basic JavaScript knowledge is required. Familiarity with web performance concepts will be helpful.

Q10: What is the expected outcome of this module?

A10: By the end of this module, you will be able to apply various performance optimization techniques to enhance the efficiency of your JavaScript applications.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 7 of this course?

A1: Module 7 focuses on security best practices in JavaScript, including data validation, protection against XSS and CSRF attacks, and secure coding techniques.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience in security?

A2: No prior security experience is required. The module will cover security principles and practices relevant to JavaScript development.

Q3: Will this module include practical exercises?

A3: Yes, there will be practical exercises and case studies on securing JavaScript applications and handling common security vulnerabilities.

Q4: What tools will be used for security assessments?

A4: Tools such as security linters, vulnerability scanners, and other security testing tools will be used to assess and improve application security.

Q5: How will security practices be assessed?

A5: Assessments will include quizzes, practical exercises, and a project focused on implementing security best practices in JavaScript applications.

Q6: How long should I spend on this module?

A6: Approximately 3-4 weeks, depending on your familiarity with security concepts and the complexity of the exercises.

Q7: Will there be any case studies in this module?

A7: Yes, case studies will be used to analyze real-world security breaches and learn from them.

Q8: Can I apply these security practices to any JavaScript project?

A8: Yes, the security practices learned can be applied to any JavaScript project to enhance its security posture.

Q9: Are there any prerequisites for this module?

A9: Basic JavaScript knowledge is required. Familiarity with web security concepts will be advantageous.

Q10: What is the expected outcome of this module?

A10: By the end of this module, you will be able to implement security best practices to protect your JavaScript applications from common threats and vulnerabilities.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 8 of this course?

A1: Module 8 covers testing and debugging techniques for JavaScript applications, including unit testing, integration testing, and using debugging tools effectively.

Q2: Do I need prior experience in testing or debugging?

A2: No prior experience is required. The module will introduce you to testing frameworks and debugging techniques from scratch.

Q3: What testing frameworks will be covered?

A3: The module will cover popular testing frameworks such as Jest, Mocha, and Chai, along with their usage in unit and integration testing.

Q4: How will testing and debugging be assessed?

A4: Assessments will include quizzes on testing concepts, practical exercises, and a project involving testing and debugging a JavaScript application.

Q5: Will there be hands-on practice in this module?

A5: Yes, you will practice writing tests, using debugging tools, and troubleshooting issues in sample applications.

Q6: How long should I spend on this module?

A6: Expect to spend around 3-5 weeks, depending on the complexity of the testing and debugging tasks.

Q7: What debugging tools will be covered?

A7: Tools such as Chrome DevTools and debugging features in popular code editors will be covered.

Q8: Can I apply these testing techniques to my own projects?

A8: Yes, you can apply the testing techniques and debugging skills learned to your own JavaScript projects.

Q9: Are there any prerequisites for this module?

A9: Basic JavaScript knowledge is required. Familiarity with development tools and practices will be beneficial.

Q10: What is the expected outcome of this module?

A10: By the end of this module, you will be proficient in testing and debugging JavaScript applications, ensuring code quality and reliability.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 9 of this course?

A1: Module 9 explores the modern JavaScript ecosystem, including tools and practices such as package management, build tools, and module bundlers like Webpack and Babel.

Q2: Do I need prior knowledge of build tools or package managers?

A2: No prior knowledge is required. This module will introduce you to package management, build tools, and their use in modern JavaScript development.

Q3: Will there be hands-on projects in this module?

A3: Yes, you will work on projects that involve setting up and configuring build tools and package managers to streamline your development workflow.

Q4: What tools and technologies will be covered?

A4: The module will cover tools such as npm, yarn, Webpack, Babel, and other relevant technologies for modern JavaScript development.

Q5: How will this module be assessed?

A5: Assessments will include quizzes, practical exercises, and a project focused on setting up and using build tools and package managers effectively.

Q6: How long should I spend on this module?

A6: Approximately 3-4 weeks, depending on your familiarity with build tools and package managers.

Q7: Will there be any hands-on exercises?

A7: Yes, you will have hands-on exercises to configure and use tools like Webpack and Babel in your projects.

Q8: Can I use my own projects to practice these tools?

A8: Yes, you can apply the knowledge from this module to your own projects to improve your development workflow.

Q9: Are there any prerequisites for this module?

A9: Basic JavaScript knowledge is required. Familiarity with command-line interfaces will be beneficial.

Q10: What is the expected outcome of this module?

A10: By the end of this module, you will be able to effectively use modern build tools and package managers to enhance your JavaScript development workflow.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 10 of this course?

A1: Module 10 delves into advanced JavaScript concepts, including asynchronous programming, web workers, and advanced patterns and techniques for optimizing and scaling applications.

Q2: Do I need prior experience with advanced JavaScript concepts?

A2: Basic to intermediate JavaScript knowledge is required. Familiarity with core JavaScript concepts will be helpful.

Q3: Will this module include practical applications of advanced concepts?

A3: Yes, the module will include practical exercises and projects that apply advanced JavaScript concepts to solve complex problems.

Q4: What advanced topics will be covered?

A4: Topics include asynchronous programming (Promises, async/await), web workers, advanced design patterns, and performance optimization techniques.

Q5: How will advanced concepts be assessed?

A5: Assessments will include quizzes, practical exercises, and a project that demonstrates the application of advanced JavaScript concepts.

Q6: How long should I spend on this module?

A6: Approximately 4-6 weeks, depending on your familiarity with advanced concepts and the complexity of the projects.

Q7: Will there be any advanced projects?

A7: Yes, there will be projects that challenge you to apply advanced JavaScript techniques and optimize complex applications.

Q8: Can these advanced concepts be applied to real-world projects?

A8: Absolutely. The concepts learned can be applied to real-world projects to address complex challenges and improve performance.

Q9: Are there any prerequisites for this module?

A9: Basic to intermediate JavaScript knowledge is required. Familiarity with core programming concepts will be advantageous.

Q10: What is the expected outcome of this module?

A10: By the end of this module, you will have a deep understanding of advanced JavaScript concepts and be able to apply them to build robust and scalable applications.

Q1: What will I do in Module 11 of this course?

A1: Module 11 focuses on applying what you have learned throughout the course by working on a comprehensive project. You'll also review key concepts and prepare for future development.

Q2: What will the final project involve?

A2: The final project will require you to build a complete application incorporating various aspects of JavaScript, including frameworks, APIs, and optimization techniques.

Q3: How will the final project be assessed?

A3: The final project will be assessed based on functionality, code quality, adherence to best practices, and the effective use of course concepts.

Q4: Will there be any course review sessions?

A4: Yes, there will be review sessions to recap important topics, answer questions, and clarify any doubts before completing the course.

Q5: How long should I spend on the final project?

A5: Allocate approximately 4-6 weeks to complete the final project, depending on its complexity and your pace.

Q6: Will there be any support during the final project?

A6: Yes, support will be available through course forums, office hours, and mentor sessions to help you with the final project.

Q7: Can I use my own project idea for the final project?

A7: Yes, you can propose your own project idea, subject to approval, or choose from provided project ideas.

Q8: Are there any prerequisites for the final project?

A8: Completion of previous modules is required to ensure you have the necessary skills and knowledge for the final project.

Q9: What is the expected outcome of the final project?

A9: By the end of the final project, you will have a fully functional application that showcases your skills and knowledge gained throughout the course.

Q10: What should I do after completing the course?

A10: After completing the course, continue to practice and apply your skills in real-world projects, stay updated with JavaScript developments, and consider further learning opportunities to advance your career.

Aarti Mehta

5   178 Reviews
The Advanced JavaScript course at Groot Academy is fantastic! The curriculum is comprehensive, and the hands-on projects truly enhanced my understanding of complex JavaScript concepts.
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Ravi Sharma

5   235 Reviews
I highly recommend Groot Academy for advanced JavaScript. The instructors are knowledgeable, and the real-world examples provided during the course were extremely helpful.
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Sonia Patel

5   289 Reviews
Groot Academy’s Advanced JavaScript course was a game-changer for me. The detailed coverage of ES6+ features and asynchronous programming was particularly beneficial.
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Amit Kumar

5   201 Reviews
The course structure at Groot Academy is well-organized, and the support from the instructors was excellent. I feel confident in my advanced JavaScript skills now.
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Nisha Jain

5   143 Reviews
Groot Academy offers an exceptional Advanced JavaScript course. The interactive sessions and practical exercises made complex topics easier to understand.
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Manish Verma

5   267 Reviews
I’ve completed several JavaScript courses, but Groot Academy’s advanced module stands out. The depth of knowledge and real-life application examples were outstanding.
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Priya Singh

5   220 Reviews
The Advanced JavaScript course at Groot Academy is top-notch. The instructors’ expertise and the focus on advanced topics like closures and prototypes were impressive.
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Kunal Gupta

5   199 Reviews
Groot Academy's course exceeded my expectations. The advanced JavaScript topics were explained clearly, and the practical assignments enhanced my coding skills.
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Ritu Sharma

5   180 Reviews
I gained valuable insights from the Advanced JavaScript course at Groot Academy. The blend of theory and hands-on projects provided a thorough learning experience.
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Deepak Mehta

5   245 Reviews
The course on advanced JavaScript at Groot Academy was well worth it. The instructors are skilled, and the course content is updated with the latest industry practices.
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Geeta Rani

5   205 Reviews
Groot Academy’s Advanced JavaScript course is excellent for anyone looking to deepen their JavaScript knowledge. The course material is well-structured and easy to follow.
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Vikram Singh

5   156 Reviews
I’m thoroughly impressed with the Advanced JavaScript course at Groot Academy. The practical approach and the support provided by the instructors were superb.
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Neha Verma

5   211 Reviews
The Advanced JavaScript course at Groot Academy provided in-depth knowledge and practical skills. The interactive sessions and experienced instructors made a big difference.
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Rakesh Yadav

5   223 Reviews
Groot Academy’s advanced JavaScript course was highly beneficial. The focus on real-world applications and advanced topics helped me advance my career significantly.
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Sneha Agarwal

5   190 Reviews
I found Groot Academy’s Advanced JavaScript course to be very enriching. The practical exercises and expert guidance made complex topics more approachable.
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Rajesh Kumar

5   230 Reviews
The Advanced JavaScript course at Groot Academy is phenomenal. The instructors are patient and knowledgeable, and the hands-on projects were invaluable for learning.
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