Master Front-End Development in Jaipur, Rajasthan at Groot Academy

Welcome to Groot Academy, the leading institute for IT and software training in Jaipur. Our comprehensive Front-End Development course is designed to equip you with the essential skills needed to excel in web development and design.

Course Overview:

Are you ready to master Front-End Development, essential for every aspiring web developer? Join Groot Academy's best Front-End Development course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and transform your web development skills.

  • 2221 Total Students
  • 4.5 (1254 Rating)
  • 1256 Reviews 5*

Why Choose Our Front-End Development Course?

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Dive deep into fundamental front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS.
  • Expert Instructors: Learn from industry experts with extensive experience in web development and design.
  • Hands-On Projects: Apply your knowledge to real-world projects and assignments, gaining practical experience that enhances your problem-solving abilities.
  • Career Support: Access our network of hiring partners and receive guidance to advance your career in web development.

Course Highlights:

  • Introduction to Web Development: Understand the basics of web development and the role of a front-end developer.
  • HTML & CSS: Master the building blocks of web design with HTML5 and CSS3, creating responsive and visually appealing websites.
  • JavaScript & Frameworks: Learn JavaScript fundamentals and explore powerful frameworks like AngularJS and ReactJS to build dynamic and interactive web applications.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your websites are mobile-friendly and accessible on all devices.
  • Version Control & Collaboration: Use Git for version control and collaborate effectively on projects.

Why Groot Academy?

  • Modern Learning Environment: State-of-the-art facilities and resources dedicated to your learning experience.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Choose from weekday and weekend batches to fit your schedule.
  • Student-Centric Approach: Small batch sizes ensure personalized attention and effective learning.
  • Affordable Fees: Competitive pricing with installment options available.

Course Duration and Fees:

  • Duration: 6 months (Part-Time)
  • Fees: ₹60,000 (Installment options available)

Enroll Now

Kickstart your journey to mastering Front-End Development with Groot Academy. Enroll in the best Front-End Development course in Jaipur, Rajasthan, and propel your career in web development.

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Overview of Front-End Technologies
Understanding Web Development
Setting Up the Development Environment
Introduction to HTML5
Advanced HTML5 Techniques
Introduction to CSS3
Advanced CSS3 Techniques
Responsive Web Design
Introduction to JavaScript
Variables and Data Types
Functions and Scope
DOM Manipulation
Event Handling
ES6+ Features
Asynchronous JavaScript (Promises, Async/Await)
Error Handling
JavaScript Best Practices
Introduction to Git and GitHub
Basic Git Commands
Branching and Merging
Collaborating on GitHub
Introduction to Frameworks and Libraries
Overview of Popular Frameworks (React.js, Angular.js, Vue.js)
Choosing the Right Framework
Introduction to React.js
Components and Props
State and Lifecycle
Handling Events
React Router
Context API
Performance Optimization
State Management with Redux
Principles of User Interface Design
Creating Interactive Elements
Enhancing User Experience
Introduction to RESTful APIs
Making AJAX Calls
Integrating APIs with Front-End
Introduction to Testing
Writing Unit Tests
Debugging Techniques
Tools for Testing and Debugging
Importance of Web Performance
Optimizing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Image Optimization
Tools for Performance Testing
Introduction to Deployment
Hosting Options (Netlify, Vercel, GitHub Pages)
Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
Project Planning and Management
Developing a Complete Front-End Project
Code Review and Refactoring
Choosing a Final Project
Developing and Deploying the Final Project
Building an Online Portfolio



Shivanshi Paliwal

C, C++, DSA, J2SE, J2EE, Spring & Hibernate

Satnam Singh

Software Architect
Q1: What will I learn in Module 1 of this course?

A1: In Module 1, you will learn the basics of web development, including an introduction to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, you will be introduced to Node.js, understanding its role and importance in server-side development.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 1?

A2: No prior experience is required. This module is designed for beginners and will cover foundational concepts in web development and Node.js.

Q3: What is HTML?

A3: HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.

Q4: What is CSS?

A4: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a style sheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML.

Q5: How do HTML and CSS work together?

A5: HTML provides the structure of the page, while CSS is used to control the layout and appearance of the HTML elements.

Q6: Will I learn about responsive design in this module?

A6: Yes, an introduction to responsive design and basic techniques for creating responsive layouts will be covered.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will complete hands-on projects to practice building web pages using HTML and CSS.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by building your own web pages, experimenting with different HTML elements and CSS styles, and completing the projects and exercises provided in the module.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor (such as Visual Studio Code) and a web browser to create and test your web pages.

Q10: Can I start building websites after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the basic skills needed to create simple web pages and websites.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 2 of this course?

A1: In Module 2, you will learn advanced CSS techniques, including flexbox, grid layout, animations, transitions, and CSS preprocessors.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 2?

A2: Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is required to start this module.

Q3: What is flexbox?

A3: Flexbox is a CSS layout module designed to provide a more efficient way to lay out, align, and distribute space among items in a container.

Q4: What is CSS Grid Layout?

A4: CSS Grid Layout is a two-dimensional layout system for the web that allows developers to create complex layouts more easily.

Q5: How do CSS animations work?

A5: CSS animations allow you to animate the transition of CSS properties from one state to another.

Q6: What are CSS preprocessors?

A6: CSS preprocessors like Sass and LESS extend CSS with variables, nested rules, and functions, making CSS more maintainable and easier to write.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve creating responsive layouts and animations using advanced CSS techniques.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by building web pages with complex layouts and animations, and by experimenting with CSS preprocessors.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor, a web browser, and optionally, a CSS preprocessor like Sass or LESS.

Q10: Can I create complex layouts and animations after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the skills to create complex, responsive layouts and animations using advanced CSS techniques.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 3 of this course?

A1: In Module 3, you will learn the basics of JavaScript, including variables, data types, functions, control structures, and DOM manipulation.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 3?

A2: Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is recommended but not required.

Q3: What is JavaScript?

A3: JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages, including interactive content and dynamic updates.

Q4: How does JavaScript interact with HTML and CSS?

A4: JavaScript can manipulate the DOM (Document Object Model), allowing you to dynamically update HTML and CSS.

Q5: What are variables in JavaScript?

A5: Variables are containers for storing data values in JavaScript.

Q6: What are functions in JavaScript?

A6: Functions are blocks of code designed to perform a particular task and can be executed when called.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve creating interactive web pages using JavaScript.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by building interactive web pages and applications, and by solving coding challenges.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor and a web browser with a JavaScript console.

Q10: Can I start building dynamic web pages after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the basic skills needed to create dynamic and interactive web pages using JavaScript.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 4 of this course?

A1: In Module 4, you will learn advanced JavaScript concepts, including closures, asynchronous programming, promises, and ES6+ features.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 4?

A2: Basic knowledge of JavaScript is required to start this module.

Q3: What are closures in JavaScript?

A3: Closures are functions that have access to variables from another function's scope, creating a scope chain.

Q4: What is asynchronous programming?

A4: Asynchronous programming allows code to run in the background without blocking the main execution thread, using techniques like callbacks, promises, and async/await.

Q5: What are promises in JavaScript?

A5: Promises are objects representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation, providing a way to handle asynchronous results.

Q6: What are ES6+ features?

A6: ES6+ (ECMAScript 2015 and later) introduces new JavaScript features, including arrow functions, template literals, classes, modules, and destructuring.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve building complex applications using advanced JavaScript concepts.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by building advanced web applications, solving coding challenges, and experimenting with ES6+ features.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor, a web browser with a JavaScript console, and optionally, a JavaScript runtime like Node.js.

Q10: Can I build advanced web applications after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the skills to build advanced, efficient, and scalable web applications using modern JavaScript features.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 5 of this course?

A1: In Module 5, you will learn the principles and techniques of responsive web design, including fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 5?

A2: Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS is recommended but not required.

Q3: What is responsive web design?

A3: Responsive web design is an approach that ensures web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes.

Q4: What are fluid grids?

A4: Fluid grids use relative units like percentages to create a flexible layout that adjusts to different screen sizes.

Q5: What are flexible images?

A5: Flexible images scale appropriately within their containing element to avoid breaking the layout.

Q6: What are media queries?

A6: Media queries are CSS techniques used to apply different styles based on the characteristics of the device or viewport, such as screen size or resolution.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve creating responsive web pages using the techniques learned in this module.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by building responsive web pages and experimenting with different layouts, images, and media queries.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor, a web browser with developer tools, and optionally, a CSS framework like Bootstrap.

Q10: Can I create responsive websites after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the skills to create responsive, user-friendly websites that work well on various devices and screen sizes.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 6 of this course?

A1: In Module 6, you will learn the basics of version control, including how to use Git and GitHub for managing and collaborating on code projects.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 6?

A2: No prior experience is required. This module is designed for beginners and will cover the foundational concepts of version control.

Q3: What is Git?

A3: Git is a distributed version control system that allows multiple people to work on a project simultaneously without interfering with each other’s work.

Q4: What is GitHub?

A4: GitHub is a web-based platform that provides hosting for software development and version control using Git.

Q5: How do I set up Git and GitHub?

A5: You will learn how to install Git, create a GitHub account, and configure your local environment to work with Git and GitHub.

Q6: What are the basic Git commands?

A6: Basic commands include git init, git clone, git add, git commit, git push, git pull, and git status.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve setting up version control for your code, creating repositories, and collaborating with others using Git and GitHub.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by creating repositories, making commits, and collaborating on projects with other developers on GitHub.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a computer with Git installed, a GitHub account, and a text editor or IDE for writing code.

Q10: Can I manage code projects with Git and GitHub after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the skills to use Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration on code projects.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 7 of this course?

A1: In Module 7, you will learn the basics of React.js, including components, state, props, and the React component lifecycle.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 7?

A2: Basic knowledge of JavaScript is recommended but not required.

Q3: What is React.js?

A3: React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces, especially for single-page applications.

Q4: What are React components?

A4: React components are the building blocks of a React application. They are reusable pieces of code that represent parts of the UI.

Q5: What is the difference between state and props in React?

A5: State is a way to manage data that can change over time within a component, while props are used to pass data from one component to another.

Q6: What is the React component lifecycle?

A6: The React component lifecycle is a series of methods that are called at different stages of a component's existence, such as when it is created, updated, and destroyed.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve building simple applications using React components, state, and props.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by building small applications and experimenting with different React features and patterns.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor, a web browser, and Node.js to set up your React development environment.

Q10: Can I build web applications with React after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the basic skills needed to start building web applications using React.js.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 8 of this course?

A1: In Module 8, you will learn advanced React.js concepts, including hooks, context API, and performance optimization techniques.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 8?

A2: Basic knowledge of React.js is required to start this module.

Q3: What are React hooks?

A3: React hooks are functions that let you use state and other React features without writing a class. Examples include useState, useEffect, and useContext.

Q4: What is the context API?

A4: The context API is a feature in React that allows you to share state across the entire application or parts of it without passing props down manually at every level.

Q5: How do you optimize the performance of a React application?

A5: Performance optimization techniques include code splitting, lazy loading, memoization, and using React's PureComponent or React.memo.

Q6: What are higher-order components (HOCs)?

A6: HOCs are advanced techniques in React for reusing component logic. They are functions that take a component and return a new component.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve building complex applications using advanced React concepts and optimization techniques.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by building advanced applications, experimenting with hooks and context API, and optimizing your code for better performance.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor, a web browser, and Node.js to set up your advanced React development environment.

Q10: Can I build complex web applications with React after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the skills to build complex, high-performance web applications using advanced React.js features.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 9 of this course?

A1: In Module 9, you will learn how to build interactive user interfaces using modern front-end frameworks and libraries, including event handling, state management, and user interaction techniques.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 9?

A2: Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is recommended but not required.

Q3: What are event handlers?

A3: Event handlers are functions that are called in response to events such as clicks, mouse movements, and keyboard inputs, allowing you to create interactive user experiences.

Q4: How do you manage state in an interactive application?

A4: State management involves keeping track of the application’s data and its changes. This can be done using frameworks and libraries like React, Vue, or Redux.

Q5: What are some common user interaction techniques?

A5: Common techniques include form validation, real-time data updates, animations, and providing feedback to user actions.

Q6: What are the best practices for building interactive UIs?

A6: Best practices include keeping the UI responsive, ensuring accessibility, optimizing performance, and maintaining a clean and modular code structure.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve building interactive components and full applications using the techniques learned.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by building interactive features into your applications, experimenting with different event handling and state management techniques, and testing user interactions.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor, a web browser, and possibly specific frameworks or libraries depending on the chosen approach for building UIs.

Q10: Can I build fully interactive web applications after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the skills to build fully interactive and responsive web applications using modern techniques and best practices.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 10 of this course?

A1: In Module 10, you will learn about RESTful APIs and how to use AJAX to make asynchronous requests to servers, enabling dynamic data fetching and manipulation.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 10?

A2: Basic knowledge of JavaScript is recommended but not required.

Q3: What is a RESTful API?

A3: A RESTful API is an architectural style for designing networked applications. It uses HTTP requests to perform CRUD operations on resources.

Q4: What is AJAX?

A4: AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a technique for creating fast and dynamic web pages by making asynchronous requests to the server without reloading the entire page.

Q5: How do you make an AJAX request?

A5: You can make an AJAX request using the XMLHttpRequest object, the Fetch API, or libraries like Axios and jQuery.

Q6: What are the benefits of using RESTful APIs?

A6: Benefits include scalability, statelessness, and the ability to handle multiple types of requests and responses. They also allow for easy integration with different systems and platforms.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve making AJAX requests to RESTful APIs to fetch, display, and manipulate data dynamically.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by building applications that require dynamic data fetching and manipulation, experimenting with different APIs and AJAX techniques.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor, a web browser, and possibly tools for making API requests like Postman.

Q10: Can I integrate APIs into my web applications after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the skills to integrate RESTful APIs into your web applications, enabling dynamic and interactive features.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 11 of this course?

A1: In Module 11, you will learn how to test and debug web applications, including different types of testing, debugging techniques, and tools to ensure your code is reliable and error-free.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 11?

A2: Basic knowledge of web development is recommended but not required.

Q3: What are the different types of testing?

A3: Types of testing include unit testing, integration testing, functional testing, and end-to-end testing.

Q4: What are some popular testing frameworks and tools?

A4: Popular frameworks and tools include Jest, Mocha, Chai, Jasmine, and Cypress for JavaScript applications.

Q5: How do you debug a web application?

A5: Debugging involves using tools like browser developer tools, logging, and debugging tools provided by text editors and IDEs to identify and fix errors in your code.

Q6: What is unit testing?

A6: Unit testing involves testing individual components or functions in isolation to ensure they work correctly.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve writing tests for your code and using debugging techniques to resolve issues.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by writing tests for your applications, experimenting with different testing frameworks, and debugging code to fix errors.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor, a web browser, and possibly specific testing frameworks or libraries depending on your application.

Q10: Can I ensure my web applications are reliable after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the skills to write tests and debug your code, ensuring your web applications are reliable and free of errors.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 12 of this course?

A1: In Module 12, you will learn techniques to optimize the performance of web applications, including code optimization, asset management, and server-side improvements.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 12?

A2: Basic knowledge of web development is recommended but not required.

Q3: What are some common performance optimization techniques?

A3: Common techniques include minifying and compressing code, optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and using content delivery networks (CDNs).

Q4: How does code minification help with performance?

A4: Code minification reduces the size of JavaScript and CSS files by removing unnecessary characters, which can lead to faster load times.

Q5: What is browser caching and how does it improve performance?

A5: Browser caching stores static files locally on the user's device, reducing the need to re-fetch these files on subsequent visits, which speeds up page load times.

Q6: What is a content delivery network (CDN)?

A6: A CDN is a network of servers distributed across different locations that deliver content to users based on their geographical location, improving load times and reliability.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve optimizing the performance of existing web applications and implementing best practices for speed and efficiency.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by analyzing and optimizing the performance of your web applications, experimenting with different techniques, and using performance testing tools.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor, a web browser, and performance testing tools like Google Lighthouse or WebPageTest.

Q10: Can I significantly improve my web application's performance after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the skills to implement various optimization techniques and improve the performance and efficiency of your web applications.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 13 of this course?

A1: In Module 13, you will learn about deploying web applications and hosting them on different platforms, including cloud services, traditional web hosts, and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 13?

A2: Basic knowledge of web development and version control is recommended but not required.

Q3: What is deployment?

A3: Deployment is the process of making your web application available to users by transferring it from your local development environment to a production environment.

Q4: What are some popular hosting platforms?

A4: Popular hosting platforms include AWS, Heroku, Netlify, Vercel, and DigitalOcean.

Q5: What is CI/CD?

A5: CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment. It involves automating the process of integrating code changes, testing, and deploying to production.

Q6: How do you set up a CI/CD pipeline?

A6: You can set up a CI/CD pipeline using tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI, or GitHub Actions to automate the build, test, and deployment processes.

Q7: Are there any projects in this module?

A7: Yes, you will work on projects that involve deploying and hosting your web applications on various platforms and setting up CI/CD pipelines.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by deploying your applications to different hosting platforms, setting up CI/CD pipelines, and managing your production environments.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need access to hosting platforms, CI/CD tools, and a text editor for managing your deployment configurations.

Q10: Can I deploy and manage my web applications independently after this module?

A10: Yes, you will have the skills to deploy and manage your web applications on various hosting platforms and use CI/CD practices to streamline the deployment process.

Q1: What will I learn in Module 14 of this course?

A1: In Module 14, you will work on real-world projects that apply the skills and knowledge you have gained throughout the course to create functional and practical web applications.

Q2: Do I need any prior experience to start Module 14?

A2: Basic knowledge of web development concepts from previous modules is required.

Q3: What types of projects will I work on?

A3: You will work on a variety of projects, including single-page applications, full-stack applications, and interactive web interfaces, depending on your interests and course focus.

Q4: How will the projects be assessed?

A4: Projects will be assessed based on criteria such as functionality, code quality, user experience, and adherence to best practices.

Q5: Will I receive feedback on my projects?

A5: Yes, you will receive feedback from instructors or peers to help you improve your projects and apply best practices.

Q6: Are there any project requirements?

A6: Projects should demonstrate your ability to apply course concepts effectively and should meet specified requirements outlined in project guidelines.

Q7: How can I choose a project topic?

A7: You can choose a project topic based on your interests, the skills you want to showcase, and the types of applications you want to build.

Q8: How can I practice what I learn in this module?

A8: You can practice by working on your projects, iterating on feedback, and applying course concepts to create high-quality, real-world applications.

Q9: What tools will I need for this module?

A9: You will need a text editor, development tools, and possibly frameworks and libraries depending on the project requirements.

Q10: Will the projects be useful for my portfolio?

A10: Yes, the projects you complete in this module can be used to build a strong portfolio showcasing your skills to potential employers or clients.

Priya Sharma

5   245 Reviews
The front-end development course at Groot Academy is fantastic! The curriculum is comprehensive, and the instructors are highly knowledgeable and approachable. I feel much more confident in my skills now.
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Rohit Verma

5   278 Reviews
Groot Academy's front-end course is top-notch. The hands-on projects were particularly helpful in understanding real-world applications. The support from the staff was excellent throughout.
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Neha Gupta

5   220 Reviews
I'm thrilled with the front-end development course at Groot Academy. The course content is up-to-date, and the practical sessions made learning fun and engaging. Highly recommended!
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Ankit Jain

5   198 Reviews
The instructors at Groot Academy are industry experts who provide invaluable insights. The course is well-structured and covers all essential topics. Great experience overall!
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Swati Mehra

5   212 Reviews
I loved the front-end development course at Groot Academy. The teaching methodology is excellent, and the projects helped me build a strong portfolio. The learning environment is very supportive.
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Rajesh Kumar

5   230 Reviews
The front-end development course at Groot Academy is the best investment I made in my career. The course content is detailed, and the instructors are always ready to help. Highly recommend it!
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Pooja Agarwal

5   250 Reviews
I had a great experience with the front-end development course at Groot Academy. The hands-on approach and real-world projects were extremely beneficial. The instructors are fantastic!
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Abhishek Singh

5   260 Reviews
Groot Academy's front-end course is excellent. The curriculum is thorough, and the instructors are very supportive. The practical sessions helped me understand the concepts better.
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Meera Joshi

5   240 Reviews
The front-end development course at Groot Academy is outstanding. The instructors are experienced and provide clear explanations. The course is well-organized and very effective.
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Vikram Saini

5   220 Reviews
I thoroughly enjoyed the front-end development course at Groot Academy. The curriculum is up-to-date, and the projects are very practical. The instructors are very knowledgeable and approachable.
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Amit Tiwari

5   238 Reviews
The front-end development course at Groot Academy exceeded my expectations. The content is very relevant, and the instructors are highly skilled. The projects helped me gain practical experience.
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Smita Patel

5   226 Reviews
I had an amazing learning experience with Groot Academy. The front-end development course is very well-designed, and the instructors are very supportive. The practical projects were particularly helpful.
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Vivek Khanna

5   219 Reviews
The front-end development course at Groot Academy is incredible. The instructors are very knowledgeable, and the course content is very relevant. The hands-on projects helped me gain practical skills.
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Ritika Sharma

5   221 Reviews
I highly recommend the front-end development course at Groot Academy. The instructors are very knowledgeable, and the curriculum is well-structured. The practical sessions helped me a lot in understanding the concepts.
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