Open the Doors of Opportunity by Becoming a Expert React Native Programmer

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Our React Native Course Curriculum is meticulously prepared by the industry experts according to the job requirements of global mobile app development companies. We cover fundamentals like language overview, Basic C, Basic Swift Programming; react native project structure, UI application, and application creation along with advanced concepts such as frameworks, controllers, and publishing the application in the app store effectively. Our react native Course Syllabus can be personalized as per the learning requirements of students to upgrade their career into mobile app development.

Jobs for react native Developer

React Native developers are in high demand across various industries, thanks to the widespread adoption of mobile applications. These developers specialize in using the React Native framework to create cross-platform mobile applications for iOS and Android. Their responsibilities typically include collaborating with the design team to implement user interfaces, integrating with backend services, and ensuring the performance and responsiveness of the applications. React Native developers also play a crucial role in troubleshooting, debugging, and optimizing code for maximum efficiency. With the constant evolution of mobile technologies, React Native developers are sought after for their ability to stay abreast of industry trends and quickly adapt to new tools and frameworks. Job opportunities for React Native developers can be found in diverse sectors such as e-commerce, healthcare, finance, and technology, as organizations recognize the importance of delivering seamless and engaging mobile experiences to their users.

Frequently Asked react native Development Course Interview Questions

1: What is React Native?

Ans:React Native is an open-source mobile application framework created by Facebook. It allows developers to build cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React. This means that the same codebase can be used to develop apps for both iOS and Android platforms.

2:How does React Native differ from traditional native app development?

Ans:Unlike traditional native app development, where separate codebases are required for iOS and Android, React Native enables the development of cross-platform applications using a single codebase. This can lead to increased efficiency and faster development cycles.

3:What are the key advantages of using React Native?

Ans:React Native offers advantages such as code reusability, a faster development cycle, and the ability to use web development skills to build mobile applications. It also provides a hot-reloading feature, allowing developers to see the immediate results of their code changes.

4:Is React Native suitable for all types of mobile applications?

Ans:React Native is well-suited for a wide range of applications, including business apps, social media apps, e-commerce apps, and more. However, for applications with complex, platform-specific features, native development might still be preferred.

5: Can React Native apps access device features and APIs?

Ans:Yes, React Native provides a bridge that allows developers to access native modules and APIs, enabling integration with device features such as the camera, GPS, and sensors.

6: How is React Native different from React

Ans:While React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, React Native extends it to support mobile app development. React is focused on web development, whereas React Native is tailored for mobile applications.

7:What is Expo in the context of React Native?

Ans:Expo is a set of tools and services built around React Native that simplifies the development process. It includes a variety of pre-built components and development tools, making it easier for developers to get started with React Native projects.

8:Is React Native only for small projects, or can it be used for large-scale applications?

Ans:React Native is suitable for both small and large-scale applications. Many well-known companies have successfully used React Native for large and complex mobile applications.

9:How is debugging done in React Native?

Ans:React Native includes debugging tools such as Chrome Developer Tools for debugging JavaScript code. Additionally, React Native Debugger and third-party tools can be used for more advanced debugging.

10:Is there community support for React Native?

Ans:Yes, React Native has a large and active community. This community provides support, shares knowledge, and contributes to the continuous improvement of the framework. There are also numerous resources, forums, and tutorials available for developers.

Course content

Introduction to React

  • What is React?
  • Why React?
  • React version history
  • React 16 vs React 15
  • Just React – Hello World
  • Using create-react-app
  • Anatomy of react project
  • Running the app
  • Debugging first react app

Templating using JSX

  • Working with React. createElement
  • Expressions
  • Using logical operators
  • Specifying attributes
  • Specifying children
  • Fragments

About Components

  • Significance of component architecture
  • Types of components
  • Functional
  • Class based
  • Pure
  • Component Composition

Working with state and props

  • What is state and it significance
  • Read state and set state
  • Passing data to component using props
  • Validating props using propTypes
  • Supplying default values to props using defaultProps

Rendering lists

  • Using react key prop
  • Using map function to iterate on arrays to generate elements

Event handling in React

  • Understanding React event system
  • Understanding Synthetic event
  • Passing arguments to event handlers

Understanding component lifecycle and handling errors

  • Understand the lifecycle methods
  • Handle errors using error boundaries

Working with forms
  • Controlled components
  • Uncontrolled components
  • Understand the significance to default Value prop
  • Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element


  • What is context
  • When to use context
  • Create Context
  • Context.Provider
  • Context.Consumer
  • Reading context in class


  • What is code splitting
  • Why do you need code splitting
  • React.lazy
  • Suspense
  • Route-based code splitting


  • What are hooks
  • Why do you need hooks
  • Different types of hooks
  • Using state and effect hooks
  • Rules of hooks

Routing with react router

  • Setting up react router
  • Understand routing in single page applications
  • Working with BrowserRouter and HashRouter components
  • Configuring route with Route component
  • Using Switch component to define routing rules
  • Making routes dynamic using route params
  • Working with nested routes
  • Navigating to pages using Link and NavLink component
  • Redirect routes using Redirect Component
  • Using Prompt component to get consent of user for navigation
  • Path less Route to handle failed matches

Just Redux

  • What is redux
  • Why redux
  • Redux principles
  • Install and setup redux
  • Creating actions, reducer and store


  • What is Immutable.js?
  • Immutable collections
  • Lists
  • Maps
  • Sets

React Redux

  • What is React Redux
  • Why React Redux
  • Install and setup
  • Presentational vs Container components
  • Understand high order component
  • Understanding mapStateToProps and mapDispatchtToProps usage

Redux middleware

  • Why redux middleware
  • Available redux middleware choices
  • What is redux saga
  • Install and setup redux saga
  • Working with Saga helpers
  • Sagas vs promises

Unit Testing

  • Understand the significance of unit testing
  • Understand unit testing jargon and tools
  • Unit testing react components with Jest
  • Unit testing react components with enzyme

Webpack Primer

  • What is webpack
  • Why webpack
  • Install and setup webpack
  • Working with webpack configuration file
  • Working with loaders
  • Working with plugins
  • Setting up Hot Module Replacement

Isomorphic React

  • What is server-side rendering (SSR)?
  • Why SSR
  • Working with render To String and render To StaticM arkup methods

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1: Can existing native code be integrated into a React Native project?

Ans:Yes, React Native allows the integration of existing native code written in Java, Objective-C, or Swift. This is particularly useful when developers need to leverage platform-specific functionality.

2:How does React Native handle performance compared to native development?

Ans:React Native performance is generally good, thanks to its use of native components. However, for highly complex or graphics-intensive applications, native development might still offer a performance edge.

3:What are the primary navigation options in React Native?

Ans:React Navigation is a popular library for handling navigation in React Native applications. It provides a range of navigation patterns, including stack navigation, tab navigation, and drawer navigation.

4:Is it possible to use third-party libraries with React Native?

Ans:Yes, React Native has a vast ecosystem of third-party libraries and modules that can be easily integrated into projects using tools like npm. This allows developers to leverage a wide range of functionalities without building everything from scratch.

5:How does React Native handle updates and versioning?

Ans: React Native supports over-the-air updates, allowing developers to push updates to users without requiring them to download a new version from the app store. This is particularly useful for bug fixes and minor updates.

  • Front end developer
  • Back end developer
  • Full stack developer
  • Database administrator
6:Can React Native apps be developed on Windows machines for iOS?

Ans:While React Native allows development on Windows for Android apps, building iOS applications requires a macOS machine due to Apple's development environment restrictions. Developers can use tools like Expo to mitigate this requirement to some extent.

7: What is the role of Redux in React Native applications?

Ans:Redux is a state management library that can be used with React Native to manage the application's state in a predictable way. It helps in handling complex data flows and maintaining a single source of truth for the application's data.

8:How does React Native handle security concerns in mobile applications?

Ans:React Native itself doesn't provide specific security features, but developers can implement secure coding practices and use third-party libraries to address security concerns. Best practices include secure communication (HTTPS), secure storage, and input validation.

9:Can React Native apps be published on both the App Store and Google Play?

Ans:Yes, React Native allows developers to create apps that can be published on both the App Store and Google Play. The same codebase can be used to generate separate builds for iOS and Android.

10:Are there any limitations or challenges associated with React Native development?

Ans:While React Native offers numerous advantages, challenges may include dealing with platform-specific issues, occasional delays in adopting the latest native features, and the need for native modules for certain functionalities. However, the community actively addresses these challenges with continuous improvements and updates.

Why should you learn react native Development ?

Learning react native development is a valuable skill for several reasons. Firstly, the demand for react native developers remains consistently high, providing ample job opportunities in diverse industries. The career prospects are lucrative, with competitive salaries and benefits. By mastering react native development, you gain access to a vast global user base through Apple's App Store, allowing you to showcase and distribute your applications to millions of iPhone and iPad users worldwide. Moreover, Apple's strong emphasis on design and user experience fosters a commitment to quality, encouraging developers to create visually appealing and user-friendly applications. The comprehensive development ecosystem, including the Xcode IDE, Swift programming language, and powerful frameworks, streamlines the development process, making it efficient and enjoyable. Ultimately, learning react native development not only opens the door to a fulfilling career but also equips you with the skills to contribute to the dynamic.
Jobs for react native Developer

Jobs for react native developers are abundant and diverse, spanning various industries and company sizes. As an react native developer, you can find opportunities in tech companies, startups, finance, healthcare, and entertainment. Your primary role involves designing, developing, and maintaining applications for Apple's react native platform. Proficiency in Swift and Objective-C, along with a deep understanding of react native architecture and design patterns, are essential skills for success in this field. Positions range from entry-level roles, such as Junior react native Developer, to more advanced roles like Senior react native Engineer. The continuous growth of the mobile app industry ensures a steady demand for react native developers who can create innovative and high-quality applications. Whether you're passionate about creating consumer-facing apps, enterprise solutions, or cutting-edge technologies, a career in react native development offers a dynamic and rewarding pathway in the ever-evolving landscape of mobile technology.
Training and Placement

For aspiring react native developers, a variety of training and placement avenues exist to nurture skills and secure employment in the field. Educational programs, both through traditional institutions and online platforms, offer specialized courses in react native development, covering crucial languages like Swift and Objective-C, as well as essential frameworks and tools. Apple's official developer documentation serves as an indispensable resource, providing in-depth insights into best practices and guidelines. Online learning platforms such as Udacity, Udemy, Coursera, and LinkedIn Learning offer comprehensive react native development courses with hands-on projects. Engaging in hackathons and coding challenges enhances practical skills and can serve as an impressive addition to a developer's portfolio. Networking through local meetups, conferences, and virtual events facilitates connections with industry professionals, potentially leading to mentorship opportunities and job placements. Additionally, pursuing internships or apprenticeships provides valuable real-world experience and a pathway to securing a position in react native development upon completion. By exploring these diverse training and placement options, aspiring react native developers can build a strong foundation and increase their chances of success in the competitive job market.