Node.JS Training Course Syllabus

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Table of Contents
  • What Do You Understand By backend Development with node js?
  • Skills Require To Become A backend Developer with node js
  • What Our Students Will Get During backend Developer with node js Training Course?
  • Career Opportunities After Learning backend Developer with node js
  • Why To Enrol In Our backend Developer with node js Training Course in Jaipur?
  • Why Should You Learn backend Developer with node js?
  • Reasons To Choose Groot Academy For backend Developer with node js
  • Frequently Asked backend with node js Course Interview Questions
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Embarking on the Journey to Become a Node.js Backend Developer

Becoming a Node.js backend developer is an exciting and rewarding venture in today's tech-driven landscape. As a backend developer, you wield the power to craft the server-side logic that drives web applications, and Node.js is at the forefront of this revolution. A Node.js backend developer utilizes their expertise in JavaScript to seamlessly handle server-side operations. Leveraging the event-driven, non-blocking I/O model of Node.js, developers can create scalable and efficient applications. Proficiency in handling data storage, managing APIs, and ensuring the seamless flow of information between the server and client are key aspects of this role.

Important:Node.JS Training Course Syllabus

Node.JS Training Course

Groot Academy is one of its kind Institute which not only equips you in technology skills but will trainyoufor free in Aptitude skills, Soft Skills, Mock Interviews, Interview Skills, Work ethics andCorporate Values that you need to know to get into IT Industry. Our training is given by expertreal time development experienced trainers and we enable each and every student of ourstodo their own real time projects by the end of the program.

We do not buy you a job by bribing companies to secure a place in IT, instead we equipyouwith the skills needed to get employed in IT and will support you with unlimited number of relevant interview opportunities so that your career in IT becomes assured. Our support will bethere until you get placed in an IT Company as that’s our mission too.

If you want to just have an IT certification, you can do your course anywhere. If youaspiretoget into an IT Job, then you should choose Groot Academy. With Groot Academy, your IT dreamwill definitelycomeinto reality.

Why Choose Groot Academy for Backend Development with Node.js?

At Groot Academy, we take pride in being the foremost institute for Node.js backend development training in Jaipur, offering a comprehensive course with a stellar track record of 100% placement assistance. Here's why choosing Groot Academy for your Node.js backend development journey is a step towards success:

Industry-Leading Training Institute:Groot Academy is renowned as the premier Node.js backend development training institute in Jaipur, setting the standard for excellence in the field. Our commitment to quality education is reflected in our 100% placement assistance.

Unmatched Support and Accessibility:We believe in continuous support. Even after course completion, students are encouraged to reach out with any doubts or queries related to the curriculum. At Groot Academy, your learning journey is our priority.

Veteran Trainers with Extensive Industry Experience:Learn from the best. Our trainers are industry veterans, bringing a wealth of practical experience to the classroom. Benefit from their insights and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape of Node.js backend development.

Live Project Preparation Assistance:Groot Academy goes beyond traditional teaching methods. Our trainers actively support each student in preparing for live projects, ensuring practical application of skills learned in the classroom.

Why Groot Academy?

Welcome to Groot Academy, your gateway to excellence in Node.js backend development. Our distinguished team of trainers at Groot Academy is comprised of seasoned experts dedicated to discerning, evaluating, and implementing best practices in Node.js backend development. These instructors are not just educators; they are industry veterans with a wealth of experience in shaping the landscape of backend development.

What sets Groot Academy apart is our commitment to a well-defined methodology that surpasses conventional training approaches. This methodology is designed to empower our students, allowing them to not only recognize opportunities but also to craft optimal solutions and execute them with a level of maturity and precision that defines success in the realm of Node.js backend development.

Course content


  • Overview of Node.js
  • History and Evolution
  • Use Cases and Applications
  • Asynchronous Programming

Environment Setup

  • Installing Node.js and npm
  • Text Editors and IDEs
  • Setting up a Basic Project Structure
  • Hello World Example

Node Package Manager (npm)

  • Managing Dependencies
  • Installing and Updating Packages
  • Package.json and Package-lock.json
  • Scripts and Commands


  • Understanding Asynchronous Operations
  • Callback Functions
  • Handling Errors with Callbacks
  • Callback Hell and its Solutions

Events and Event Loop

  • Event-driven Architecture
  • EventEmitter Class
  • Handling Events
  • Event Loop and its Role in Node.js

Streams and Buffers

  • Working with Streams
  • Readable and Writable Streams
  • Piping and Chaining Streams
  • Buffer Objects

Express Framework

  • Introduction to Express
  • Setting Up an Express Application
  • Routing and Middleware
  • Templating Engines

Introduction to MongoDB

  • NoSQL Databases Overview
  • MongoDB Features
  • Document-Oriented Data Model
  • Collections and Documents

Connecting Node.js to Database

  • Installing MongoDB
  • Connecting to MongoDB from Node.js
  • CRUD Operations with the MongoDB Driver

Mongoose Module

  • Introduction to Mongoose
  • Schema and Models
  • Querying and Updating Data
  • Middleware and Validation

Creating Rest APIs

  • RESTful API Design Principles
  • Creating Endpoints with Express
  • Handling HTTP Methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Request and Response Handling

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. What is Node.js?

Answer:Node.js is a server-side JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build scalable and high-performance network applications.

2. How does Node.js differ from traditional backend technologies?

Answer:Node.js is non-blocking and event-driven, making it suitable for handling concurrent requests efficiently. Traditional backend technologies often use a multi-threaded approach.

3.What is npm?

Answer: npm (Node Package Manager) is the package manager for Node.js. It allows developers to easily manage and install third-party packages and libraries.

4. What is Express.js?

Answer: Express.js is a popular web application framework for Node.js. It simplifies the process of building robust and scalable web applications by providing a set of features for routing, middleware, and more.

5.How do I handle asynchronous operations in Node.js?

Answer: Node.js uses callbacks, Promises, and async/await to handle asynchronous operations. Callbacks are common, but Promises and async/await provide a more readable and maintainable code structure.

6. What is middleware in Express.js?

Answer:Middleware in Express.js are functions that have access to the request, response, and the next middleware function in the application’s request-response cycle. They can be used to perform tasks like logging, authentication, etc.

7.How do I connect to a database in Node.js?

Answer: There are several database options for Node.js, including MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. You can use libraries like Mongoose for MongoDB or Sequelize for SQL databases to interact with databases.

8.What is RESTful API and how do I create one with Node.js?

Answer: RESTful APIs follow a set of principles that make them scalable and easy to consume. Express.js is commonly used to create RESTful APIs in Node.js. Routes and controllers are used to define endpoints and handle requests.

9. How can I secure my Node.js application?

Answer:Implement security best practices, such as validating and sanitizing user input, using HTTPS, securing database connections, and implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms.

10.How can I deploy a Node.js application?

Answer:Node.js applications can be deployed to various platforms, including cloud services like AWS, Heroku, or on dedicated servers. Tools like Docker and PM2 can help with process management and deployment.

Why should you learn Full Stack Web Development ?

Full-stack development is about understanding the two areas in sufficient detail and making communication between them easy and smooth. As technologies and industries evolve, Full-Stack developers need to learn new technologies to stay abreast of the latest trends and this is where Groot Academy is going to partner you in the journey. This broad range of skills across the stack is a superpower for software developers. If you’re a fresher looking to break into your tech career or a mid-career professional looking to enter the world of web development from a non-tech profession, you should consider the following advantages of becoming a full-stack developer:
  • Build dynamic data-driven websites and applications.
  • A Scope to be Part of Game-Changing Projects.
  • The High-Paying Full Stack Developer Salary.
  • Diverse Growth Options.
Jobs for Full Stack Developer

A full stack web developer has become the most sought after job profile for the past few years. Every organization is looking for a seamless experience and this is easily achieved when there is just one person to do both client-side and server-side coding. Two people also mean more salary and resources and ideas. With new, changing and evolving technologies, if you have knowledge of multiple programming languages and technologies, then you can be a great asset for several companies to have. Employers have started appreciating people with a broader scope of knowledge.
Training and Placement

Designed to get you hired, this power-packed Full-Stack Web Development course features best-in-class live training, on-demand learning, plenty of hands-on exercises, assignments and so much more. Gain a deep understanding of how to build, deploy, secure and scale programs and build expertise across the user interface, business logic and database stacks. With our Full-Stack Developer Course you’ll dive deeper into topics and techniques via independent and group projects, receive individualized feedback, get mentored by experts, hone your skills in hackathons spread across the program. This is your chance to prepare for the world of work as a Full-Stack Developer in a product-based company, compile a job-ready project portfolio and become a self-sufficient, versatile software developer with all the critical skills for a long and healthy career in tech. Groot Academy has been a leading programming training institute in jaipur. Our ability to provide practical training to our students has made us the Best Full-Stack Web Development training institute in Jaipur and nearby cities of Rajasthan. .